Tag Archive | Revell Books

Love On A Whim by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Everyday Miracles

Love On A Whim by Suzanne Woods Fisher is the most charming contemporary Christian novel that I absolutely adored. It is the third book in the Cape Cod Creamery series but can be read as a stand-alone. I, however, recommend reading the previous books first for maximum enjoyment and for character progression as the characters run throughout the books, in a timeline capacity. Each book focuses on a different main character.

We see the importance of forgiveness. If we withhold it, we will become bitter not better. Forgiveness brings freedom as we give it, or receive it. “I’ve seen forgiveness produce miracles.” God’s love works on hearts, making the miraculous possible. What is impossible for us, is possible for God.

Being able to say sorry and to mean it, is how healthy relationships grow. I loved the thought that “apologies don’t have an expiration date.” While we still have breath, there is always time to apologise.

Our upbringings shape the adults we become. Sometimes we fear turning out just like our parents. We need to have a heart of flesh that is aware of the character traits coming down the generations.

A son does not want to model himself on his father who was always absent due to work. However, the son did not see the effect of growing up in poverty had on his father. His father is motivated by the need to provide for his family. There does need to be a healthy work/life balance.

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The Divine Proverb Of Streusel by Sara Brunsvold

Do The Next Thing

The Divine Proverb Of Streusel by Sara Brunsvold is a most charming contemporary Christian novel that I just could not put down. It is a novel that will warm hearts, soothe souls and impart wisdom and love.

The novel is about love and lessons in how to love as God loves us.

Following her parents divorce, twenty something Nikki spends her summer on her uncle Will’s family farm, as she tries to process events. It is here that she finds an old family notebook full of recipes and proverbs. As she works through the recipes, she learns God’s lessons for life and love.

Being hurt deeply has resulted in Nikki turning inwards and shutting others out, especially her father, whom she sees as the source of all her pain. “Self protection was never a savior from pain. Only forgiveness could be.” Imprisoning herself in bitterness is not living life as God intended. God wants us to live in freedom. Only by forgiving can we achieve this. Forgiveness is beneficial to us and to those we forgive. “Lay down the bitterness and trust the Lord’s protecting arm to save you”. Being safe in God’s arms is the best place to be.

We need to build our relationship with God. We need firm foundations in faith in order to sustain us through the tough times. Start the day with God, not social media or the news. “Scripture at sunrise … Every morning, he said thank-you to the Creator of all.” We need to practice having a grateful heart. As Pollyanna did, we need to play the glad game.

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Just For The Summer by Melody Carlson

Positively Charming

Just For The Summer by Melody Carlson is a positively charming contemporary Christian novel that I just did not want to end.

Melody Carlson has created an eclectic mix of characters to entertain the reader. They were all realistic, with some having kinder character traits than others. Curmudgeonly old Jack was easy to imagine. His way of doing business was in direct contrast to slick but cold-hearted Diana. Likewise, warm-hearted Ginny was the direct opposite to career-aspiring Jacqueline. The characters complemented each other, showing that different skill sets are needed at different times. Most important of all, is having a kind heart.

The premise of the book is a job swap for the summer. Ginny, who works for a top Seattle hotel, swaps this for Jacqueline’s Grandad’s fishing lodge, just for the summer. Two managers. Two different skill sets. Two locations. One summer. It all equals a wonderful recipe for a wonderful read.

Clean fresh air and an outdoor life contrast with slick, city living. One location brings freedom, the other smothers. It all depends on personality type as to which place characters will bloom best.

We see the importance of having faith in God and in building that relationship through prayer. When we don’t know what to do, we must pray for guidance. “Ginny prayed a silent prayer – asking God to guide her – then she waited.” We must remember to take turns to talk and to listen to God.

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This Is Where It Ends by Cindy K Sproles

True Riches

This Is Where It Ends by Cindy K Sproles is a beautiful Christian historical novel that will wash over you like a river, cleansing you as you read, and leaving you feeling peaceful.

This is a love story, not a conventional one, but a love story nonetheless. It surrounds Minerva, a ninety four year old woman who has missed out on love her whole life. Only now, as she nears the end, does she find a love that fulfills as the arms wrap around her. This is a love that reaches beyond the pages to envelop the reader. This is a beautiful love that time will not destroy.

We also see the love of a faithful dog. He guards. He protects. He mourns.

All her life Minerva has wanted a family. We learn that “kindness, caring, love makes a family. You don’t have to be blood to be the perfect fit.” Family look out for each other.

Secrets, burdens and guilt weigh heavy. We witness a soul that has been burdened pass this heavy load onto another, so it is carried beyond the grave. The reader’s heart breaks for a character when the secrets are unearthed and she realizes that her marriage was a sham and a lie. She has never felt ‘good enough’ and this has saddened her.

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