Archive | April 2016

In Times Like These by Gail Kittleson

Delightful Characters, Wonderful Setting

In Times Like TheseIn Times Like These by Gail Kittleson is a fantastic Christian historical read. the book is set in Iowa between December 1941 and spring 1943 and it follows the fortunes of young wife Addie.

The descriptions of Addie’s farm and countryside are so well depicted that the book really comes to life. For the reader it is less about reading and more about walking through the novel.

Addie is wonderfully drawn and captures the reader’s heart immediately. She is a gentle young woman married to Harold who verbally bullies her mercilessly. “Those taunts stole her peace.” Addie spends her life in fear, fear of saying or doing the wrong thing. Addie has let Harold’s words and labels define her. Gail Kittleson shows how important it is that we do not live in the shadows of the words and labels that others give us. We have a God Who loves us and does not want us to live in fear. “I’ve spent my whole life in fear instead of living each day.” Addie needs to realise she is more than the words spoken over her, she is a child of the living God.

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Sister Dear by Laura McNeill

What’s Really Important

Sister DearSister Dear by Laura McNeill is a Christian thriller, and wow what a thriller it is! The twists and turns just kept on coming. Sister Dear was brilliantly written.

There are many themes within the novel and one of them is fear. Allie was in prison for ten years but is out now. She fears the reactions of the people on the outside. Likewise her sister Emma fears the disruption to her life now that Allie is out. Emma fears that Allie will want her daughter Caroline back. Caroline too, fears the future – having a Mum in prison earned her respect, having a Mum back in the community means social isolation.

Allie means to seek out the truth on the night leading to her arrest. There are several people who will prevent the truth coming out at all costs. Allie does not know who she can trust.

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The Girl From The Train by Irma Joubert

The Core That Remains

GirlThe Girl From The Train by Irma Joubert is a Christian historical novel. It is powerful. It is beautiful and I loved it.

The action spans from 1944 to the mid 1950’s. It moves from Poland to South Africa. From war to peace. From innocence to experience. It is expertly written.

There are several themes within the novel including that of hiding. Gretl is six years old as the novel opens. She is good at hiding as she has Jewish blood in her. Over the years Gretl continues to hide, if not physically then mentally. Gretl feels safest hiding who she really is.

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