Tag Archive | Anne Rogers

The Divine Proverb Of Streusel by Sara Brunsvold

Do The Next Thing

The Divine Proverb Of Streusel by Sara Brunsvold is a most charming contemporary Christian novel that I just could not put down. It is a novel that will warm hearts, soothe souls and impart wisdom and love.

The novel is about love and lessons in how to love as God loves us.

Following her parents divorce, twenty something Nikki spends her summer on her uncle Will’s family farm, as she tries to process events. It is here that she finds an old family notebook full of recipes and proverbs. As she works through the recipes, she learns God’s lessons for life and love.

Being hurt deeply has resulted in Nikki turning inwards and shutting others out, especially her father, whom she sees as the source of all her pain. “Self protection was never a savior from pain. Only forgiveness could be.” Imprisoning herself in bitterness is not living life as God intended. God wants us to live in freedom. Only by forgiving can we achieve this. Forgiveness is beneficial to us and to those we forgive. “Lay down the bitterness and trust the Lord’s protecting arm to save you”. Being safe in God’s arms is the best place to be.

We need to build our relationship with God. We need firm foundations in faith in order to sustain us through the tough times. Start the day with God, not social media or the news. “Scripture at sunrise … Every morning, he said thank-you to the Creator of all.” We need to practice having a grateful heart. As Pollyanna did, we need to play the glad game.

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The Words We Lost by Nicole Deese

United By Love

The Words We Lost by Nicole Deese is a most beautiful contemporary Christian novel that I just could not putdown. It is A Fog Harbor Romance book.

There are some books that just speak to your soul, and this is one such book. It is a book about friendship, love and loss. The grief found within its’ pages is palpable. “Postponing grief may not be the healthy approach… but sometimes it feels the only approach a person can handle.” This is a grief that paralyses, consumes and is obviously, never ending. “There are no winners in grief – only survivors.”

There are two huge losses within the novel – her father and her friend. “She carried his [dad] absence with her everywhere she went.” There is no recovery program for loss. One just has to navigate the best that we can.

There are two stories within the book – present day, and earlier in the form of a manuscript telling the tale of three friends. It is a gift from beyond the grave. Secrets have been kept in order to protect. Now the truth needs to come to light. We release the burden that has been carried. “Practice letting go of the guilt that’s not ours to hold on to.” Guilt will sink us if we do not surrender it.

God walks beside us in our grief, whether we ‘feel’ Him or not. He is there. She hoped “for a miracle from a God I so desperately wanted to believe had heard my prayers.” God always hears our prayers but doesn’t always answer in the way we want Him to. It is at these times that we have to cling to God and believe that He is good even when life isn’t. “I’m simply trying to focus on having faith enough for today.”

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The Secret To Happiness by Suzanne Woods Fisher

3 Legs On The Stool

The Secret To Happiness by Suzanne Woods Fisher is the most charming contemporary Christian novel that I read mainly in one sitting. I paused only to sleep. It is the second book in the Cape Cod Creamery series and can be read as a stand-alone. However, I recommend reading the books in order, so that you see character progression and development, as well as maximum enjoyment.

Cape Cod and family are the place to go when life gets tough. Family and the community offer love and care. It is surprising to witness healing coming in the form of six year old cowboy Leo. His warm, sunny nature and his openness, help souls heal. One cannot help but smile when he is around.

The story, once more, centres around the ice cream parlour. Now it is winter and the tourists are gone, it has to adapt and change. Likewise, we need to be adaptable as we start new chapters in life.

We all need lives that have purpose. “She’d hit her goal… there’d always been a vague feeling of emptiness… Is this all there is?” We need to make sure that are lives are centred on what gives meaning. So much in life is just chasing the wind. We need to find our purpose. Knowing God makes our lives meaningful. “Do you talk to God?” God longs to hear from us. Prayer is simply conversations with God. We need to listen as well as talk.

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The Wind Blows In Sleeping Grass by Katie Powner

Pearls Of Great Price

The Wind Blows In Sleeping Grass by Katie Powner is the most beautiful Christian contemporary novel about family, friendship and forgiveness.

All the characters are realistically drawn. They are an eclectic mix from an eleven year old boy to an eighty two year old woman. They all have things in common – they are all perfectly flawed human beings in need of a Savior and in need of forgiveness.

Everyone has a past. We all carry burdens that were not meant for us – whether we are eleven or eighty two. God wants us to give Him our burdens. He wants to exchange them for peace, hope and forgiveness. Often, we are our harshest critics. We need to receive His forgiveness and live in His peace.

Life is hard. Life without knowing God is even harder. We can receive His peace despite our circumstances. “When you have that [peace]… it’s enough. But without it, nothing is ever enough.” We cannot earn God’s peace. It is His gift to us.

We meet a troubled eleven year old and a troubled fifty year old who used to be a troubled eleven year old. Despite the age difference, both are very similar. They have both listened to the voices that have told them that they are worthless. They have believed the voices and repeated the mantra to the face in the mirror. God says they are loved. “Everything God makes has value, whether we choose to see it or not.”

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