Tag Archive | Sara Brunsvold

The Divine Proverb Of Streusel by Sara Brunsvold

Do The Next Thing

The Divine Proverb Of Streusel by Sara Brunsvold is a most charming contemporary Christian novel that I just could not put down. It is a novel that will warm hearts, soothe souls and impart wisdom and love.

The novel is about love and lessons in how to love as God loves us.

Following her parents divorce, twenty something Nikki spends her summer on her uncle Will’s family farm, as she tries to process events. It is here that she finds an old family notebook full of recipes and proverbs. As she works through the recipes, she learns God’s lessons for life and love.

Being hurt deeply has resulted in Nikki turning inwards and shutting others out, especially her father, whom she sees as the source of all her pain. “Self protection was never a savior from pain. Only forgiveness could be.” Imprisoning herself in bitterness is not living life as God intended. God wants us to live in freedom. Only by forgiving can we achieve this. Forgiveness is beneficial to us and to those we forgive. “Lay down the bitterness and trust the Lord’s protecting arm to save you”. Being safe in God’s arms is the best place to be.

We need to build our relationship with God. We need firm foundations in faith in order to sustain us through the tough times. Start the day with God, not social media or the news. “Scripture at sunrise … Every morning, he said thank-you to the Creator of all.” We need to practice having a grateful heart. As Pollyanna did, we need to play the glad game.

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The Extraordinary Deaths Of Mrs Kip by Sara Brunsvold

Hidden Warriors

The Extraordinary Deaths Of Mrs Kip by Sara Brunsvold is the most charming and heart-warming Christian novel that will sink into your soul. Every now and again a novel comes along that just completely swamps you with love and beauty – and this is that novel. It overwhelmed me with its love, care and beauty.

The novel shows us that “so long as we have breath, the Lord calls to our hearts.” There are no retirement plans in the kingdom of God as demonstrated by the leading lady, seventy nine year old Clara Kip. Her outlook is friendly and chirpy. Her spirit is alive with the love of God. As her body fades, her spirit becomes more alive than ever.

Age has no boundaries to friendship as we view the beautiful bond between Mrs Kip and a young newspaper reporter. Time is short but friendship runs deep.

Much of the setting is in a home for people dying of cancer. It is far from gloomy as Mrs Kip injects life and love. As she enters, “she clung to the belief that the Lord had something for her here.” We are called to serve the Lord wherever we are.

We see the dream to help those who cannot help themselves. The desire is to show the love of Jesus to all. “Show me how I can serve you today among these people.” Mrs Kip had a huge capacity for love which she spread everywhere.

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