Tag Archive | Melody Carlson

Just For The Summer by Melody Carlson

Positively Charming

Just For The Summer by Melody Carlson is a positively charming contemporary Christian novel that I just did not want to end.

Melody Carlson has created an eclectic mix of characters to entertain the reader. They were all realistic, with some having kinder character traits than others. Curmudgeonly old Jack was easy to imagine. His way of doing business was in direct contrast to slick but cold-hearted Diana. Likewise, warm-hearted Ginny was the direct opposite to career-aspiring Jacqueline. The characters complemented each other, showing that different skill sets are needed at different times. Most important of all, is having a kind heart.

The premise of the book is a job swap for the summer. Ginny, who works for a top Seattle hotel, swaps this for Jacqueline’s Grandad’s fishing lodge, just for the summer. Two managers. Two different skill sets. Two locations. One summer. It all equals a wonderful recipe for a wonderful read.

Clean fresh air and an outdoor life contrast with slick, city living. One location brings freedom, the other smothers. It all depends on personality type as to which place characters will bloom best.

We see the importance of having faith in God and in building that relationship through prayer. When we don’t know what to do, we must pray for guidance. “Ginny prayed a silent prayer – asking God to guide her – then she waited.” We must remember to take turns to talk and to listen to God.

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A Royal Christmas by Melody Carlson

A Fairytale For Adults

A Royal Christmas by Melody Carlson is a delightful festive offering.

Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a charming new novella from Melody Carlson. A Royal Christmas is a fairytale for adults. It has all the elements of a traditional fairytale – a king, a wicked queen, a lost princess – and so much more, as we see God take centre stage.

We see that when all seems uncertain, we need to trust God.  We can trust His plans and His timing as He knows just what is needed and when.

Prayer is important. If in doubt – pray. If in celebration – pray. Pray at all times. God longs to hear from us. He will always answer. “You prayed about it?… It looks like God has flung the door wide open.”

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Second Time Around by Melody Carlson

Absolutely Charming

Second Time Around by Melody Carlson is an absolutely charming contemporary Christian novel that warmed my heart.

The book is about second chances – we see houses and interiors getting make-overs and a second chance to shine. Likewise, we witness lives with a second chance at happiness. God is not finished with us yet. While we are still breathing, God has plans for us. We can trust Him. Others may try to thwart His plans but if God has ordained it, it will come to pass.

God is the God of the impossible. “What’s impossible with us is possible with God.” Nothing is ever out of His control. All things are possible if we would just let God be God, and stop trying to take control.

Prayer is vital. “She silently prayed begging God to direct her path.” Prayer builds a relationship with God. We are to pray about everything and worry about nothing.

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A Quilt For Christmas by Melody Carlson

Absolutely Charming

A Quilt For Christmas by Melody Carlson is an absolutely charming contemporary Christian festive tale that will warm your heart.

Every year I look forward to Melody Carlson’s Christmas offering, they are always beautiful and heart-warming.

All the characters are well drawn and realistic. They are an eclectic mix from a four year old girl to two ladies who are nearly seventy.

Kind hearts gather to make a little girl’s wish for her mother’s Christmas quilt to come true. We see that you are never too old nor too young to learn new skills.

The warm atmosphere has a chill at times as a hurting character has let bitterness invade her heart. Past memories, rather than warming have the opposite effect and freeze a character’s heart. What will it take to thaw that frozen heart?

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