Archive | March 2022

Zoo Buddies The Chimps Surprise Party by Joanne Morgan

Absolutely Beautiful

Zoo Buddies The Chimps Surprise Party by Joanne Morgan is the most delightful book for the under fives.

It is beautifully illustrated by Angelika Scudamore who has put so much detail into each page – including a small caterpillar called Clive who is hiding on every page. I just could not turn over until I had found him! All the zoo buddies are colourful with friendly faces drawing the reader in. Each page is there to be savoured.

The story is simple and easily understood – planning a surprise party means all the animals must work together to ensure success.

I absolutely loved the zoo buddies and am glad to see it is the first in a new series. Every nursery and home with young children should have a copy, not just because it is beautiful but because it could entertain for hours.

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Polar Bear, Polar Bear by Joan Keir Burnett

A Perfect Addition To Any Collection

Polar Bear, Polar Bear by Joan Keir Burnett is a beautiful book for toddlers.

The story explores the senses – see, hear, feel, touch – as we learn what is surrounding baby polar bear.

There is also a climate message as we see the ice caps melting. All the pages provide starting points for discussions with our children, no matter how young they are.

Written in rhyme this book has a wonderful bouncy feel to it. This sing-song pattern enables our children to anticipate what is coming next and to join in, after a few reads through. Repetition also aids the ability for our children to join in as we read the book together.

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The Resistance Girl by Mandy Robotham

Extraordinary Bravery

The Resistance Girl by Mandy Robotham is a powerful historical novel set in occupied Norway during World War II.

The reader hears about the extraordinary acts of bravery of ordinary men and women against the occupying Nazis. Brave souls worked along fully trained operatives to sabotage the plans of the Nazis.

Secrecy was the order of the day as was the ability to run at the drop of a hat.

War robs people of so much as we follow a young woman grieving the death of her fiancé. “For a short time [she] was pulled from her swamp of grief by those in a far worse position than herself.” Helping others lifts us above our circumstances as we focus on them.

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Octavia And Her Friends Save The Sea by Izzy Wilson

Look After Our World

Octavia And Her Friends Save The Sea by Izzy Wilson is a delightful story for the under fives.

The tale teaches our children the importance of looking after our seas. There is a message that we must not throw rubbish into the sea as it is damaging the coral and could kill the creatures who live in the sea.

We witness that we are stronger together than alone. We need to work together to tackle pollution and conserve our seas.

The sea creatures all look different but they support each other and work together. This gives a message of diversity – we may all look different and have different skill sets but we all need each other.

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