Archive | August 2015

Book Review: The Fragrance of Roses by Nikki Arana

Faith, Families and Fear

The Fragrance of Roses Nikki AranaThe Fragrance Of Roses by Nikki Arana is the third and final book in the Regalo Grande series, and what a fabulous climax it is. I devoured this book with my heart racing, my pulse rising and a box of tissues!

Antonio and Angelica now have two children… ten year old Manuel with Downs Syndrome and eight year old Anica. The reader hears that five years previously Manuel fought and won a battle against leukaemia, but now the deadly disease rears its head again.

The Fragrance Of Roses is a novel about faith, families and fear. Antonio relies on his love for the Father who works all things together for good for those who love Him. For Angelica, her faith is tested, as fear threatens to overwhelm her. She must keep her eyes fixed on the Father and not on her fear.

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Book Review: The Perfect Cast by TK Chapin

Sacrificial Faith

The Perfect Cast by TK ChapinThe Perfect Cast by TK Chapin is another wonderful faith filled offering. I always know that a novel by TK Chapin will not disappoint, his stories are always a compulsive read with God at the centre. TK Chapin’s faith and belief in God shine through his writings, which are never ‘preachy’ but are designed to make you think about God.

At the heart of The Perfect Cast is Roy, the grandpa to Jess and Henry, who is a very godly man. Jess and Henry spend the summer on Roy’s farm. It is to be a summer that will impact and change their lives forever.

Not all the characters are Christians in the novel. Some even go to church but have never really had a relationship with Christ. Others, like Levi, the young man who helps out on Roy’s farm, do not go to church, but have big questions about God. The reader too, might share these questions, and will hopefully find their own answers within the pages of the book.

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Book Review: As Waters Gone By by Cynthia Ruchti

Great Beauty and Pearls of Wisdom

As Waters Gone ByAll books are written to be read. Some books are meant to be devoured. Others like As Waters Gone By by Cynthia Ruchti are meant to be savoured like a delicious dessert or a fine wine. As Waters Gone By is a truly beautiful book, which showers the reader with a feeling of calm and tranquility, and I was blessed to receive a copy.

Emmalyn has had her life on hold for four years whilst her husband Max serves a five year prison sentence. For most of that time, they have not communicated. Emmalyn has lost her house, her job, her opportunity to have children and she is desperately clinging to what little hope she has to save her marriage. Emmalyn makes the ferry crossing to Madeline Island as the novel opens, to repair and live in their summer cottage. Her first night on the island is spent in the Wild Iris, where she meets the hospitable owner Bougie.

Bougie is a larger than life character with a huge heart for people. In spite of being young enough to be Emmalyn’s daughter, she has the mothering instinct and takes Emmalyn to heart. Bougie gives her just what she needs, as Bougie practices the gift of hospitality. Bougie is also wise beyond her years, and as a Christian she dispenses her words of wisdom and love.

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About Christian Bookaholic

Christian Bookaholic is a site mainly for reviews of books however if I see a great film, or listen to a fabulous CD, I will share that too. I may also share my thoughts here too.

The books reviewed will predominantly be Christian novels but I also read mass market paperbacks and the occasional non-fiction book. As a cat lover, I do sometimes dip into novels about cats.

I undertake blog tours for Litfuse ( in America, and will post links to their site for the books reviewed via them.

I do receive, from time to time, books from authors, publishing houses and Litfuse to read and review. Otherwise I have bought the books. All the opinions expressed will be my own; I will never intentionally give spoilers to the books.

I know that there are loads of great books out there and I think we all owe it to the authors to recommend books we love. Also, if I love a book, I want to share and pass it on.

I hope you enjoy this site. I am indebted to my son Michael Wilson for setting it up for me. I love reading, but am not good with technology. A really big thank you to Michael.

Finally I would like to share Michael’s websites…he runs This Is Horror ( and Paleo Minds (…so if you like either of those topics, please drop by and have a look.