Tag Archive | Net Galley

Cold Vengeance by Nancy Mehl

One Breath, One Heartbeat

Cold Vengeance by Nancy Mehl is an absolutely cracking contemporary Christian suspense. It is the third book in the Ryland & St Clair series but can be read as a stand-alone. For maximum enjoyment I recommend reading the previous two books first, especially as there is a story thread that runs throughout the three books.

River Ryland is a newly returned Christian. She is learning to trust God to do the things that she cannot. “She… asked God to take over.” Giving God the driving seat of our lives is always a wise thing to do.

We all have a past. Sometimes we are still hurting from our pasts. “When she let God back into her life, healing had begun.” Surrendering our lives to God is always the best thing that we can do.

We all have scars. Some are visible, others are not. “Wounds can leave scars… Give yourself some compassion.” Scars speak of where we have been, not necessarily where we are going. We cannot alter the past but we can learn from it. “I can’t fix the past, but maybe we can build something new.”

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The Secret Hotel In Berlin by Catherine Hokin

Back Where She Belongs

The Secret Hotel In Berlin by Catherine Hokin is a powerful dual timeline historical novel that I read in just two sittings.

The action is set in Berlin, mostly surrounding a hotel, during World War II and in 1990. The hotel was a favourite of Hitler and the leading Nazis in the war years, then fell into Soviet hands as it was in East Berlin. After the wall came down in 1989, it was privately purchased. Now it has the opportunity to be renovated and brought back to life.

Walls came down in hearts too in 1990. Families torn apart by the Soviet controlled East Berlin, had erected walls to protect hearts but it had the opposite effect and actually hurt hearts. Now these hardened hearts need to be softened, renovated and brought back to life. Now is the time to build bridges instead of walls.

Sacrificial love was a major theme. There was love that let go, in order that others might thrive. The love remained when all else was gone. The memories remained. And a hope for restoration one day remained.

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Sandcastle Inn by Irene Hannon

Where Hope & Dreams Live On

Sandcastle Inn by Irene Hannon is the most delightful Christian contemporary novel that I absolutely adored. It is the tenth book in the Hope Harbor series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Hope Harbor is a positively idyllic setting. The scenery and the residents all come alive under Irene Hannon’s descriptive pen. A warm welcome reaches from the pages of the book to envelop the reader.

This is a place of refuge for the hurting and the lost. The community offers hope for the hurting and provides a new direction for the lost. “If someone in Hope Harbor is in need, everyone rallies.” This applies to strangers too, who are quickly taken into the bosom of the community. Hope Harbor is a place where there are some very huge hearts who not only notice others but they care. “Hope Harbor is a wonderful refuge for those seeking healing and peace.” The natural beauty and the openness of the locals ensures that those who enter as strangers, soon become friends who have new prospects ahead.

There is much love within the novel. We see the fallout from fractured family relationships. “Part of loving is giving the other person what they need, not what you thing they need.” We need to be careful that we don’t dictate to others but we give them space to grow.

Characters are carrying grief, guilt and burdens that were never meant for them. “God doesn’t hold our mistakes against us… So why should we hold them against ourselves?” We are often our own worst critics. We need to extend grace to ourselves.

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Love On A Whim by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Everyday Miracles

Love On A Whim by Suzanne Woods Fisher is the most charming contemporary Christian novel that I absolutely adored. It is the third book in the Cape Cod Creamery series but can be read as a stand-alone. I, however, recommend reading the previous books first for maximum enjoyment and for character progression as the characters run throughout the books, in a timeline capacity. Each book focuses on a different main character.

We see the importance of forgiveness. If we withhold it, we will become bitter not better. Forgiveness brings freedom as we give it, or receive it. “I’ve seen forgiveness produce miracles.” God’s love works on hearts, making the miraculous possible. What is impossible for us, is possible for God.

Being able to say sorry and to mean it, is how healthy relationships grow. I loved the thought that “apologies don’t have an expiration date.” While we still have breath, there is always time to apologise.

Our upbringings shape the adults we become. Sometimes we fear turning out just like our parents. We need to have a heart of flesh that is aware of the character traits coming down the generations.

A son does not want to model himself on his father who was always absent due to work. However, the son did not see the effect of growing up in poverty had on his father. His father is motivated by the need to provide for his family. There does need to be a healthy work/life balance.

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