Archive | July 2017

Rookie K9 Unit Christmas by Lenora Worth and Valerie Hansen

Hold On To Hope

Surviving Christmas by Valerie Hansen is a delightful Christian romantic thriller about second chances and trust.

Suffering from PTSD, veteran Sean sees danger everywhere, but it is not always in his head. He has to learn to trust others, his own instincts and God, whom he believed had abandoned him. “There had been a time when he’d believed God was guiding him… now he felt adrift.” Whenever we feel adrift we must cling to our anchor God who will always guide us home safely.

The novel shows the partnership of man and dog, and man and God. Both can work well when they are in tune and both can be trusted.

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A Name Unknown by Roseanna M White

Prayers, Promises And Secrets

A Name Unknown by Roseanna M White is a marvellous Christian historical romance which I loved. It is the first book in the Shadows Over England series and I really cannot wait for the rest.

Set in 1914 with England on the brink of war, the reader glimpses some of the fear and suspicion people have regarding the future.

Names featured highly. Those with German sounding names suffered from persecution and their loyalty to England questioned. Even the crown didn’t escape. Prejudice was rife.

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An Almond For A Parrot by Wray Delaney

A Tale Of Survival

An Almond For A Parrot by Wray Delaney is an epic historical novel set in the mid eighteenth century in England. It is the tale of one woman, awaiting her fate in Newgate prison. The novel begins in present day and then sweeps backwards, before travelling forwards in chronological order. The reader ‘walks’ through her life as the story is told in the first person.

The reader ‘experiences’ life in eighteenth century London – it’s sights, smells and poverty. It is comprehensively described, enabling the reader to picture the scenes. It was not a pleasant place to be.

There were few choices open to poor females at the time. It was adapt to circumstances or die. We in the modern world are horrified at the lack of care by those who should be nourishing the younger generation. There was little love. Any crumbs of affection were grabbed.

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Strains Of Silence by Bethany Kaczmarek

To Dance Again

Strains Of Silence by Bethany Kaczmarek is a contemporary Christian novel that tackles the subject of domestic abuse. It is a gritty read and while there are no explicit scenes, Bethany Kaczmarek does not shy away from the damage and impact on lives.

Domestic abuse may be verbal or physical. It may start small and escalate or it may start big. It is never the victims fault and it is always wrong. The pain is huge affecting every area of life – waking or sleeping- and all members of the family.

The novel shows the support given by both family and friends, who show unconditional love and offer protection.

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