Archive | January 2016

Hidden Scars by Amanda Sue King

Compulsive, Gritty, Realistic and Brilliant

Hidden ScarsHidden Scars by Amanda King is a Christian novel set in 1968. It is an excellent read but it does contain some difficult issues which Amanda King presents sensitively.

The novel is written through the eyes of seventeen year old Morgan, the youngest of three children who are all physically and mentally abused by their parents. As the reader I shared in Morgan’s fears and pain. She has physical and mental scars and she needs to be healed. She needs to take a stand “do you want to continue to give them the freedom to hurt you or will you take a stand and say enough is enough?” The years have worn Morgan down. She needs friends to stand alongside her and help.

Morgan knows God and cries out to Him, but there are times when she just cannot pray. “I couldn’t pray. The words wouldn’t come.” We are blessed as Christians that we have the Holy Spirit to intercede for us. When the words won’t come, God still knows what we want.

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This Quiet Sky by Joanne Bischof

Simply Beautiful

This Quiet SkyThis Quiet Sky by Joanne Bischof is quite simply a beautiful story. It is a Christian historical romance set in 1885. It is a beautiful gentle love story and one that definitely went straight to my heart and soul.

This Quiet Sky is told in the first person from the point of view of sixteen year old Sarah. Sarah is the new girl at school and is sat by seventeen year old Tucker, so he can help her with her algebra. No one wants to sit by Tucker. Tucker is ill. No one can catch it but all the children avoid him. All except Sarah. This Quiet Sky is the story of Sarah and Tucker’s friendship. Theirs is not a superficial friendship. It is deep and lasting. It is a bond that will not be broken.

The novel is also about God. Joanne Bischof shows how Christians can be ‘real’ with God. They can tell Him their dreams and they can be honest about their feelings. “I don’t feel like praying right now… if I could look God square in the eye… I would tell Him how angry I am at Him.” Being angry at God doesn’t mean Sarah doesn’t love Him, it means she feels so comfortable in her relationship with Him that she can be truthful about her feelings.

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If I Run by Terri Blackstock

Exciting, Thrilling and Nail Biting

If I RunIf I Run by Terri Blackstock is an absolutely cracking Christian contemporary thriller. I read it with my heart racing and as the novel reached its conclusion, so my palms were sweating and I was literally on the edge of my seat. No one writes thrillers quite like Terri Blackstock. Her storylines are always unique and always thrilling.

Casey’s father committed suicide when she was twelve years old. Casey found his body. Casey’s father was a good cop and full of life. Thirteen years have passed, Casey and her newspaper reporter friend Brent have been delving into what they believe is her father’s murder. As the novel opens, Casey is on the run, wanted for the murder of Brent.

Dylan has known Brent since childhood. Brent’s parents hire Dylan to search for Casey. Dylan is a war veteran, used to looking for people. He has also seen two army buddies killed in war.

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Bronner by Sherri Burgess

To God Be The Glory

BronnerBronner by Sherri Burgess is an amazing, brutally honest book written by the mother of two and a half year old Bronner after he died.

Sherri Burgess could be bitter but she isn’t. She writes to give God the glory. She is sad, she misses Bronner but she knows “Bronner hadn’t just ceased to exist, I knew he was somewhere.” Sherri Burgess is unbelievably positive. Her words and her attitude she accredits to God. He has helped her get to where she is today. He has been beside her every step of the way.

Sherri Burgess tells of all the good that has happened since Bronner’s death. She realises looking back, that she was only meant to have Bronner a short time. He is God’s child that she just ‘borrowed’. She writes to point people to Jesus. She talks to point people to Jesus. And she hopes that because of Bronner and the family’s closeness to God that more people will be in Heaven.

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