Archive | February 2018

Whisper by Joy Ohagwu

The Battle Is Not Ours

Whisper by Joy Ohagwu is a Christian romantic suspense. It is the prequel to the New Rulebook series.

As I have read the New Rulebook series, I had an inkling as to what was coming but this did not spoil my enjoyment. Far from it, I actually found my suspense heightened as I waited for an event to happen!

Every chapter begins with scripture, reinforcing the idea that life is “better doing it with Jesus.”

The novel shows how God speaks through dreams. Nothing comes as a surprise to Him. Everything happens in God’s perfect timing.

Life is a spiritual battle. We need to always remember that no matter what is happening in life, Jesus has won the victory.

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A Note Yet Unsung by Tamera Alexander

The Master Conductor

A Note Yet Unsung by Tamera Alexander is a wonderful Christian historical romance. It is the final book in the Belmont Mansion series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Once again Tamera Alexander has woven fact and fiction to produce a first class story. The world is changing. Women are no longer content to sit demurely in the background. The novel features strong modern women who know what they want and set out to achieve their goals. They are also kind women who give others chances and notice the marginalised.

God gives each one of us a gift. “God gifted her with the desire and the ability to play.” It is up to us what we do with that gift.

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Lost For Words by Stephanie Butland

Love Covers All

Lost For Words by Stephanie Butland is a beautiful and powerful contemporary novel that will stay with you long after the last page is read.

Set in a second hand bookshop in York, the reader is in for a real treat – books within a book. Books that will evoke memories. Familiar quotes. Plus a ‘dear reader’ transported this reader back in time and place. A paradise for the book lover and an absolute delight.

The novel is about love, loss and life. It is beautifully written. The reader ‘feels’ the conflicting emotions of the lead character. We understand her motivations and why she seeks solace in books.

Being written in the first person enables us to really get into the head of the character. The story alternates between present day, three years earlier and 1999, as the back story is gently unravelled.

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Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris

Absorbing, Chilling And Menacing

Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris is a mesmerising psychological thriller that will mess with your mind, raise your pulse and make sure you sleep with the light on. It was absolutely fabulous.

How would you feel if suddenly after twelve years, it appeared someone you loved had returned from the dead? Who is messing with your ordered life? Who can you trust? Can you even trust your own eyes?

The novel is about uncovering the truth. But what is truth? Even the reader begins to doubt as we read through the novel.

The characters were well drawn and likable. The action was puzzling, verging on chilling at times. Using the literary device of ‘before’ and ‘after’, the reader slowly uncovers the action but the ending was jaw dropping. Can you predict what is to come?

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