
Tea With Elephants by Robin Jones Gunn

Just Add Honey

Tea With Elephants by Robin Jones Gunn is the most beautiful Christian contemporary novel that will sink into your heart and soothe your soul. It is the first book in the Suitcase Sisters series and I cannot wait for more.

Tea With Elephants is a story of friendship and love as we follow two ladies who have been friends for over twenty years as they spend a week in Kenya. It is a journey of discovery – literally as there are majestic animals to see in their natural habitat. And also, figuratively as they learn about each other’s lives, their fears and their worries. There is a love between the women. “There is no gift like a friend who knows you by heart.” And there is their love for God and His for them.

We cannot always see the future but we know who holds the future in His hands. “I wanted to be at peace about the unknown.” We trusted God with our past and our present, we can trust Hin with our future. “I didn’t want to get stuck in what was behind. I wanted to look to what was ahead.”

As we wander through life, we pick up baggage. “You will be able to move forward when you’re no longer carrying all this old stuff… It’s weighed you down for too long.” We will never move forward by looking in the rear mirror. We do not need to see where we have been but we do need to look at where we are going.

Prayer is important. Prayer is as vital as breathing. “Prayers are never just prayer… [we are] creating a collection of love letters to Jesus.” We also learn that “our most valuable weapon … is prayer.” Prayers can, and do, move mountains.

When we have troubles and worries, we need to press into Jesus. “I don’t know how people go through difficulties without crying out to the Lord.” We can receive a peace that passes all understanding, a peace despite our circumstances. “Peace was coming after me.” I love that idea of peace pursuing us.

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A Noble Scheme by Roseanna White

The Steadfast Love Of God

A Noble Scheme by Roseanna M White is a thrilling Christian Edwardian novel that consumed me from the start. It is the second book in The Imposters series and whilst it can be read as a stand-alone, I recommend reading the books in order for character progression and development.

Questions that arose in book one, find answers here. We now know why two characters are estranged. The animosity continues in A Noble Scheme as we see a character acknowledging that her mood is hurting herself. “I don’t want to miss the future because I’ve been crippled by the past.” Living in the past is unhealthy. By all means, visit the past but do not linger there.

Grief is handled differently by different characters. No two grief journeys are ever the same. We meet a character who has never grieved properly. To grieve is to admit to the loss, and that is far too painful. She swapped her tears for anger. “Hate was a horrible thing. It … consumed her.” Hate will destroy us from the inside out. Hate and anger projected onto God, will block our view of His love. “God wasn’t withholding love or forgiveness. But her heart was too cold to receive it.” The weather also mirrors a heart as it is icy and snowy.

Another character is also angry with God. The character does not own his choices, preferring to believe that God is a vengeful God. “Luck … didn’t believe in that any more than he did in God’s mercy.” Hearts that have known God will always want to be back with Him. “He wanted His Lord back … he wanted to trust that God was good back.” In his heart “he wanted to be the man who could believe.” All heaven rejoices when a prodigal returns home. “He’s waiting … God hasn’t given up on you.”

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A Beautiful Disguise by Roseanna M White

Exciting, Thrilling & Adventurous

A Beautiful Disguise by Roseanna M White is an exciting Christian Edwardian novel that thrilled me from the start. It is the first book in The Imposters series which promises to be fabulous.

The action is set in 1909 London and moves to Northumberland. Life in London is sweltering and claustrophobic, in contrast to the freedom found up North.

Tensions are beginning to rise world-wide. Anything or anybody with German ties is viewed with suspicion. German roots are definitely suppressed.

We see that the life lead can sometimes be an illusion. People will believe what is put before their eyes with a cursory glance, rather than looking closely. This enables characters to blend in and move stealthily.

The Imposters are determined to seek out the truth. The blend in and move silently, unseen by all – except the one who has found love.

Females have been suppressed for years. We witness a character who breaks out of preconceived ideas. She is free to be her wild, untamed self.

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Where Treasure Hides by Johnnie Alexander

A Fabulous Debut

Where Treasure Hides by Johnnie Alexander is a powerful Christian historical novel that I just could not put down. It is the author’s debut novel, and the good news is … she has written many more.

The action is set during World War II in Britain and Holland. We witness both countries preparing for war. As the novel opens, the leading characters are witnessing a Kindertransport arriving in London. This prepares both their hearts to rescue and hide children throughout the war. God knows that the innocents will be safe in their care.

We witness the greed of the Nazis as they plunder Europe of their paintings and artefacts. “It’s greed that destroys us.” The worth of a painting is not just in monetary terms but in what it means to hearts. Characters bond over paintings – whether it is the drawing of a child or a masterpiece.

Feared reigned in hearts during the war but God asks us to trust Hm despite our circumstances. “You mustn’t let fear rule your life.” A heart is willing to trust God. “She wanted to trust God.” When we stumble in the darkness – literally or figuratively – we must look to the guiding light of God.

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