Tag Archive | Baker Publishing

For A Lifetime by Gabrielle Meyer

Trust Him

For A Lifetime by Gabrielle Meyer is an engrossing Christian timeslip novel that I loved. It is the third book in the Timeless series but can be read as a stand-alone. I, however, recommend reading the books in order so that there is continuity of character and an understanding of the backstories of those relatives who are mentioned in passing. The leading ladies here, made an appearance in book two.

All the action takes place in Salem in 1692 and in New York City in 1912. Historians will recognize the key dates and places. 1692 was the height of the witch trials in Salem. New York in 1912 was the destination of the ill-fated Titanic. The author has woven these key events into her story, along with actual historical figures, although the major players are fictional.

All the characters were well drawn and very believable. They were easy to empathise with.

The early twentieth century saw the dawn of aviation.  This features heavily in the book as we follow a female aviator in both America and across the sea to France in 1912.

There are hearts that help the marginalised. “If I can make a difference in the lives of the people who do not have a voice, then it is worth the risk.” Lives are placed on the line as every ounce of courage is needed and fears are faced.

We know that God is with us in our fears. “Let God take care of her… He always has and He always will.” Nothing that happens is outside of God’s control. “God has a plan… He doesn’t make mistakes – even if His decisions don’t make sense to us.” When life makes no sense, God is still on the throne. We can trust His leading.

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In This Moment by Gabrielle Meyer

When You Know, You Know

In This Moment by Gabrielle Meyer is a beautiful Christian timeslip novel that I absolutely adored. It is the second book in the Timeless series but can be read as a stand-alone.

This novel is set in 1861, 1941 and 2001. Historians will recognize these dates as the starting point for three wars for America – the American Civil War; Pearl Harbor and World War II; and the war on terror. I read with my heart in my mouth as 9/11 (September)approached and then of course December 1941. Gabrielle Meyer has perfectly captured the horrors of war – particularly Pearl Harbor where the picture she painted is horrific and vivid.

There are choices to be made. Choices always have consequences. The leading lady has a difficult choice to make. She longs for God to make the decision for her – but then she would not be exercising her faith muscle that tells her to lean into God and trust Him. “I could trust God’s plan for my life, even if it didn’t feel like things were under control.” Sometimes life feels like a runaway train but nothing ever happens that surprises God. He sees the end from the beginning.

Within the novel characters have, and do, experience loss. “I prayed… but God didn’t hear me… I knew the only way to survive in this world was to never love again.” That is not living, that is existing. God loves us and He wants us to love others. We were not meant to journey through life alone.

Prayer is important. “I will pray for you, because I know nothing is impossible with God.” We are called to pray for each other. Prayer connects us with God. “Turn my prayers heavenward, hoping God was listening.” God is always listening to our prayers. He does not always give us what we want but He always gives us what we need.

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The Warsaw Sisters by Amanda Barratt

There Once Was A City

The Warsaw Sisters by Amanda Barratt is a powerful Christian historical novel that consumed me from the start.

The action is set in Warsaw during World War II as we follow twin sisters and their very different wartime experiences. Both are incredibly brave. Both fight the Nazis but use very different methods. One hides and passes on, Jewish children through an underground network. The other fights for the resistance. Neither shares their activities with the other in order to protect.

Warsaw bore the brunt of the Nazis persecution. Hitler wanted Warsaw razed to the ground – but reckoned without the brave spirit of the people offering resistance where they could.

Even the children were brave. They learned how to act and when to be silent. “You must never tell anyone who you are but you must always remember.” Roots and heritage are very important.

When persecution of the Jewish people began, many stood idly by but “what happened… mattered to me… I could not look away.” A character decided “I must do something.”

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Shadows Of The White City by Jocelyn Green

What Love Is

Shadows Of The White City by Jocelyn Green is a powerful historical Christian novel that I loved. It is the second book in The Windy City Saga but can be read as a stand-alone. For maximum enjoyment and to track character progression, I recommend reading the previous book first.

I enjoyed meeting up with familiar faces. As with book one, the tale is grounded in fact as the Chicago Fair of 1893 takes centre stage and there are actual historical figures within the novel.

This is a book about love, family and a search to belong. Everyone wants to know their roots. We follow a character desperate to know her ancestors. What she doesn’t realise is that her worth is already in God alone. God calls her beloved and His daughter.

God places the lost in families. “She might not be able to change the system, but she could change the life of this one, precious girl.” There were many orphans living in poverty when lead character, Sylvie, opened her heart to Rose.

We learn that “families are born, but they can also be chosen.” Families are those who love us. God says we are part of His family. “God says I am His child, I am good enough for Him… because of what Christ has done on my behalf.” Too often we strive to be better but God asks us to come as we are and then we will change.

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