Tag Archive | Jaime Jo Wright

Night Falls On Predicament Avenue by Jaime Jo Wright

Hope In The Dark

Night Falls On Predicament Avenue by Jaime Jo Wright is a marvellous Christian dual timeline novel that completely consumed me.

The action alternates between 1901 and present day. It is written in the first and third person, mainly from two alternating points of view, and also of ‘her’ – whom we need to guess the identity of.

Stories in both time periods run parallel. They are similar but different. Both have sisters in them, are haunted by events, and there is a necessity to find the perpetrator of evil acts.

Within both time periods, there is fear. “Fear is a lack of hope.” Different characters fear different things. They need to let go, and let God guide their lives. A glimpse of hope in the dark is all that is needed for lives to change.

We see that grief paralyses. “She had barely learned to survive.” Grief keeps us rooted in the past. “The notion that time healed and lessoned pain was a myth. Time merely mocked the absence.” We cannot live in the past, we need to move forwards and learn to live again. “Don’t be afraid to live… I’m not afraid to die.” When we know God, death is no longer a foreign country to fear.

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The Vanishing At Castle Moreau by Jaime Jo Wright

All The Broken Pieces

The Vanishing At Castle Moreau by Jaime Jo Wright is a fabulous dual timeline novel that totally consumed me. I always love Jaime Jo Wright’s books. They entertain me and always leave me wanting more.

The action is set in present day, 1870 and 1801. We slip seamlessly between the three periods. 1870 and present day have parallel action and themes. 1801 sets the scene.

Castle Moreau has been in a family for a couple of centuries. It has always had an air of mystery. It is a place of foreboding that the locals avoid. What goes on behind closed doors, remains there. Secrets are contained within the very bricks and mortar.

We see the bonds between grandparents and their grandchildren. The bonds are there to protect and to nurture.

There is the theme of nature versus nurture. Are we destined to repeat the sins of our ancestors? If they were monsters, do we have monsters lurking within?

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The Haunting At Bonadventure Circus by Jaime Jo Wright

Joining Down The Years

The Haunting At Bonadventure Circus by Jaime Jo Wright is a marvellous Christian dual timeline novel that consumes from the start.

The action is in present day and in 1928. Crimes committed in the past seem very close to home but who? And how?

Secrets of our ancestors travel down the years. We are not destined to repeat their crimes. We have the power to break free but reputations are hard to shake.

There is the theme of parents. God is our perfect parent who will never let us down. Sometimes we project our experiences of our earthly parents onto Him. This is unfair. We should never compare God to man because He is God and they are not. God will always love us and never let us down.

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Echoes Among The Stones by Jaime Jo Wright

Not Over

Echoes Among The Stones by Jaime Jo Wright is a marvellous dual timeline Christian suspense that will completely consume your heart, soul and emotions.

One character straddles the two timelines. She is a teen in 1946 and a grandmother in present day. The past intrudes on the present as old crimes need solving and laid to rest.

The novel is a study in raw grief as lives are suspended in a moment in time. No matter where you go, you cannot outrun grief. “Time healed no pain.” Two leading characters are battling grief. For one, it suddenly interrupted life, for the other she knew it was coming. For both, they cling to their loved one and are shaken to the core.

The reader sees the effects of grief. Some characters are angry at God. “How does God allow something this – this heinous?” God does not ‘allow’ pain, man has free will. God walks alongside us in our pain. He is there in the middle, He does not leave us alone.

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