Tag Archive | Revell

Sandcastle Inn by Irene Hannon

Where Hope & Dreams Live On

Sandcastle Inn by Irene Hannon is the most delightful Christian contemporary novel that I absolutely adored. It is the tenth book in the Hope Harbor series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Hope Harbor is a positively idyllic setting. The scenery and the residents all come alive under Irene Hannon’s descriptive pen. A warm welcome reaches from the pages of the book to envelop the reader.

This is a place of refuge for the hurting and the lost. The community offers hope for the hurting and provides a new direction for the lost. “If someone in Hope Harbor is in need, everyone rallies.” This applies to strangers too, who are quickly taken into the bosom of the community. Hope Harbor is a place where there are some very huge hearts who not only notice others but they care. “Hope Harbor is a wonderful refuge for those seeking healing and peace.” The natural beauty and the openness of the locals ensures that those who enter as strangers, soon become friends who have new prospects ahead.

There is much love within the novel. We see the fallout from fractured family relationships. “Part of loving is giving the other person what they need, not what you thing they need.” We need to be careful that we don’t dictate to others but we give them space to grow.

Characters are carrying grief, guilt and burdens that were never meant for them. “God doesn’t hold our mistakes against us… So why should we hold them against ourselves?” We are often our own worst critics. We need to extend grace to ourselves.

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The All American by Susie Finkbeiner

Growing Up & Following Dreams

The All American by Susie Finkbeiner is a most delightful Christian historical novel that I completely savored, never wanting it to end.

The novel is set during 1952 as we follow an all-American family of parents, two daughters and a cat. Their extended family is a married brother and sister-in-law, and an uncle. All the events are seen in the first person, alternating between eleven year old Flossie and her older sister Bertha.

The sisters are similar but different. They both have unique relationships with their father who is an author. Flossie is a bookworm – Gilbert Blythe and Anne Shirley are two of her favourite characters. She ‘lives’ her books, liking nothing better than an afternoon in the library.

In contrast, Bertha is a keen baseball player. Her dream is to play for the ladies Sweet Peas team. She is never happier than joining the boys at school for a baseball game.

Both girls have close relationships with their father who encourages their individual dreams.

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The Sweet Life by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Transforming Lives With Love

The Sweet Life by Suzanne Woods Fisher is a most delightful contemporary Christian novel. It is the first book in the Cape Cod Creamery series and I cannot wait for the subsequent books.

There are some books that as soon as you start, you just know you are going to adore the book, love the characters and never want it to end – The Sweet Life is one of those books. It is simply beautiful.

Suzanne Woods Fisher has developed a wonderful eclectic mix of characters. Each one has a back story. Each one is, or has been, battling problems that will prove to be turning points in their lives. Each one lodged in my heart. Did I have a favourite? I have to admit a soft spot for five year old cowboy Leo.

Sometimes in life we will have health issues that will knock us for six. We meet a character who is recovering from surgery for breast cancer. The only way to deal with it was to live in isolation. She did not want to share her story. However, her experiences meant she was able to spot another with a breast cancer diagnosis, and then walk beside her as it was a path that she had already trodden.

We also meet a character who has bad news after bad news heaped on her. She does not turn from God but directs her anger and her questions to Him. Where is God in the midst of her suffering? He walks beside her. She cannot see Him nor feel Him but “God was trying to get my attention and finally had to use a megaphone.” We need to be so in tune with God that we hear His whisper.

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Countdown by Lynette Eason


Countdown by Lynette Eason is a thrilling contemporary Christian suspense that I just could not put down. It is the fourth book in the Extreme Measures series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Once again, Lynette Eason has crafted a well thought out and executed plotline that has the reader glued and guessing as we try to join the dots. The action comes thick and fast as the past collides with the present.

All our choices have consequences, sometimes with far reaching effects. “She … wished she could go back in time to make different decisions.” We cannot alter the past but we can learn from our poor choices.

There is the theme of trust. Life has dealt some hard blows. A character prefers to trust no one but herself, not even God – but living life in isolation can be very lonely. She realizes she has to “consciously make the choice to trust God.” We can trust God with our lives. He will never let us down. Even when we don’t see Him working or feel His presence, God is there, walking beside us.

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