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The Wind Blows In Sleeping Grass by Katie Powner

Pearls Of Great Price

The Wind Blows In Sleeping Grass by Katie Powner is the most beautiful Christian contemporary novel about family, friendship and forgiveness.

All the characters are realistically drawn. They are an eclectic mix from an eleven year old boy to an eighty two year old woman. They all have things in common – they are all perfectly flawed human beings in need of a Savior and in need of forgiveness.

Everyone has a past. We all carry burdens that were not meant for us – whether we are eleven or eighty two. God wants us to give Him our burdens. He wants to exchange them for peace, hope and forgiveness. Often, we are our harshest critics. We need to receive His forgiveness and live in His peace.

Life is hard. Life without knowing God is even harder. We can receive His peace despite our circumstances. “When you have that [peace]… it’s enough. But without it, nothing is ever enough.” We cannot earn God’s peace. It is His gift to us.

We meet a troubled eleven year old and a troubled fifty year old who used to be a troubled eleven year old. Despite the age difference, both are very similar. They have both listened to the voices that have told them that they are worthless. They have believed the voices and repeated the mantra to the face in the mirror. God says they are loved. “Everything God makes has value, whether we choose to see it or not.”

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