Countdown by Lynette Eason


Countdown by Lynette Eason is a thrilling contemporary Christian suspense that I just could not put down. It is the fourth book in the Extreme Measures series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Once again, Lynette Eason has crafted a well thought out and executed plotline that has the reader glued and guessing as we try to join the dots. The action comes thick and fast as the past collides with the present.

All our choices have consequences, sometimes with far reaching effects. “She … wished she could go back in time to make different decisions.” We cannot alter the past but we can learn from our poor choices.

There is the theme of trust. Life has dealt some hard blows. A character prefers to trust no one but herself, not even God – but living life in isolation can be very lonely. She realizes she has to “consciously make the choice to trust God.” We can trust God with our lives. He will never let us down. Even when we don’t see Him working or feel His presence, God is there, walking beside us.

Fear has kept a heart locked up. Everyone a character has loved, has been hurt or killed. To protect her loved ones, she keeps everyone at arms length as she practices sacrificial love again and again.

There are times when fear has threatened to ruin lives. If we trust God, we know that we can ‘do it afraid.’ “True courage. Facing what you want to run from.” We see many instances of characters facing their fears in order to protect the innocent.

Guilt over what has been said or not said, done or not done, can ruin lives. We need to forgive the face in the mirror as well as forgiving others. Forgiveness is not a one-off event. “It’s a process. Some days forgiveness comes easier.” We must forgive others or bitterness will eat us up.

The best place to be is right at the centre of God’s heart. “It’s where God planted me, so it’s where I am blooming.” If we follow God’s plan for our lives, we will be just where we are meant to be. We bloom best when we are safe and secure in His arms, sometimes despite outward circumstances.

Prayer is important. When life is good – pray. When life is bad – pray. Prayer is communication with God that builds relationship. If God tells you to pray for someone – just do it! Sometimes others are needing our prayers. It may be their lifeline. “Her prayers alone have sustained me.”

We see faithfulness in action within the novel. Characters walk with God and trust His leading, even when life appears to be crumbling and is making no sense.

An air of love wafts over Countdown. We see many instances of love motivating actions within the novel. In contrast we see lives consumedby the pursuit of power. The love of wealth and power is a road that will ultimately lead to a downfall sooner or later.

Countdown was an exciting read. I think it wouldmake a marvellous television series.

I always enjoy Lynette Eason’s novels – they are faith-filled stories with ‘real’ characters facing ‘real’ dilemmas and situations.

Countdown was an edge of your seat suspense that I read in just two sittings – pausing only to sleep.

I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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