Archive | April 2024

The Nurse Behind The Gates by Shari J Ryan

Legacy Of Hope

The Nurse Behind The Gates by Shari J Ryan is a powerful and heartbreaking historical novel that I just could not put down.

The action takes place in Munich and Dachau. It alternates between the war years and from 1933 moving forwards. The novel is written in the first person from alternating points of view, and as such, we get to know the characters intimately.

Emilie and Danner are childhood friends – but Danner is a German Jew. He and his family gradually find their lives eroded from 1933 as anti semitism is rife in Nazi Germany.

1933 was a pivotal year when Hitler’s power became absolute and the course of Germany decided and plotted.

For Emilie and Danner, their feelings for each other remain. Emilie will always be a guiding light who offers hope in the darkest of times. As long as Danner keeps her in his heart, hope is alive.

We see sacrificial love practiced by the two lead characters. Danner loves Emilie enough to let her go. Emilie loves Danner enough to never let him go.

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Will You Catch Me? by Jane Elson

Powerful & Heart-Wrenching

Will You Catch Me? by Jane Elson is a powerful, heart-wrenching children’s novel and just perfect for ages ten years and older. It is a novel that I would recommend for any age as it will help you to get inside and understand the working of a young girl’s mind.

The novel has the heart-breaking theme of alcoholism. This effects not only the sufferer but all those they interact with. We follow Nell, in year eight as she struggles to cope alone with her Mum’s addiction. The reader’s heart just breaks for Nell. She is the self-proclaimed carer for her Mum since she was six years old. She keeps silent as she fears her Mum being taken away.

We really get to know Nell as the novel is written in her voice in the first person. We hear her fears and applaud her bravery and stoicism.

Nell loves her Mum but being the responsible one is exhausting. “I don’t want to go home, I’m scared of what I might find.” The reader longs for Nell to just be able to be a child. There are glimpses of the Mum her Mum could be, and the relationship they could have – but the demon drink keeps on winning.

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The Words We Lost by Nicole Deese

United By Love

The Words We Lost by Nicole Deese is a most beautiful contemporary Christian novel that I just could not putdown. It is A Fog Harbor Romance book.

There are some books that just speak to your soul, and this is one such book. It is a book about friendship, love and loss. The grief found within its’ pages is palpable. “Postponing grief may not be the healthy approach… but sometimes it feels the only approach a person can handle.” This is a grief that paralyses, consumes and is obviously, never ending. “There are no winners in grief – only survivors.”

There are two huge losses within the novel – her father and her friend. “She carried his [dad] absence with her everywhere she went.” There is no recovery program for loss. One just has to navigate the best that we can.

There are two stories within the book – present day, and earlier in the form of a manuscript telling the tale of three friends. It is a gift from beyond the grave. Secrets have been kept in order to protect. Now the truth needs to come to light. We release the burden that has been carried. “Practice letting go of the guilt that’s not ours to hold on to.” Guilt will sink us if we do not surrender it.

God walks beside us in our grief, whether we ‘feel’ Him or not. He is there. She hoped “for a miracle from a God I so desperately wanted to believe had heard my prayers.” God always hears our prayers but doesn’t always answer in the way we want Him to. It is at these times that we have to cling to God and believe that He is good even when life isn’t. “I’m simply trying to focus on having faith enough for today.”

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Encountering Christlikeness by Brad Simon

Becoming More Like Jesus

Encountering Christlikeness by Brad Simon is a powerful Christian devotional that will encourage us as we walk with Jesus.

There are fourteen devotionals each based on a Bible reference. The author expands the story, using scripture to back up his words. Each devotional ends with a prayer and three identical questions designed to help us digest and apply what we have just read.

All the devotionals are New Testament based. They cover a variety of topics. We need to be obedient servants, using the gifts that God has given us, to help others and for His glory.

We need to have a heart that gives and is motivated by love, as we give of our time, talents and money. “He [God] can use even the smallest offering to do amazing things.”

Having a forgiving heart is vital. Forgiveness may not be a one-off event. It may well be a process. We forgive because we have been forgiven. Forgiveness brings healing and restoration.

My favourite devotional was about Martha, Mary and Lazarus. We learn that we need to balance work, worship and witness as embodied by these three characters.

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