
The Lost Letters Of Christmas by Lisa Renee Ruggeri

Christmas Cheer

The Lost Letters Of Christmas by Lisa Renee Ruggeri is a charming children’s Christmas novel that is perfect for ages ten years and over. It is a novel that will delight you whatever your age as you receive a little bit of Christmas magic.

We see the effects of loneliness on two generations of girls who have lived in the same house. “She felt so far away from everything she loved” … due to a house move. The other young girl, twenty five years earlier had felt unloved and ignored, even by Father Christmas after she had written letters. “My parents don’t care about Christmas… They don’t even see me… I wanted to feel like I mattered to someone… I guess you’re [Santa] too busy, or maybe I’m not worth it.”

Both girls react differently to loneliness. One withdraws. The other throws herself into a project in order to give herself a purpose.

There is a mystery to solve – who is the little girl from twenty five years earlier?

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The Girl Who Wasn’t There by Jacqueline Wilson

Engaging & Exciting

The Girl Who Wasn’t There by Jacqueline Wilson is a most delightful children’s novel for ages ten years and older. I am considerably older than the target market but I really enjoyed the story.

Jacqueline Wilson has once more written an engaging and exciting novel that entertains from the start.

We follow a family whose father has bought a hundred year old folly at auction, with the view to renovating it. It seems like a fairytale but its’ crumbling walls and floors soon turn it into a nightmare. The family has a summer of adventure as they live in a caravan on site. The tower may be falling down but the setting is idyllic.

The action is seen through the eyes of ten year old Luna, who is big sister to six year old Aurora. Like most siblings, there are ups and downs but there is a lot of love. “Aurora was my little sister and I had to stick up for her. No one picks on Aurora at school and gets away with it!

School can be an intimidating and scary place to be as children navigate the classroom and the playground. We witness the kindness of teachers who help those who are struggling to fit in.

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Maggie’s Red Circus Bus by Sue Wickstead

Working Together

Maggie’s Red Circus Bus by Sue Wickstead is a most delightful book and just perfect for the under fives. The story has its’ roots in fact, as we learn from the back of the book.

The whole book is very colourful and appealing. The illustrations are full of detail and make perfect starting points for discussions with our children.

We see that the bus is at the heart of the community. It stands out as a bus but needs to be identified as a play bus. The children work together to decorate it.

Over a summer the children learn different circus skills, working towards a performance at the end of the summer.

The book teaches the importance of working together, learning new skills and how we are all part of our communities.

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Star Of The Show by Jacqueline Wilson

Family, Loyalty & Love

Star Of The Show by Jacqueline Wilson is a most delightful, children’s historical novel that I thoroughly enjoyed. It is perfect for ages ten years and over.

The novel is set in Victorian times and surrounds a family of five children who don’t have much materially, but do have a lot of love.

The children have to fend for themselves. Each has a different talent (except for the baby) and they put their talents to work, bringing in money to support themselves and baby Ada.

The star of the book is definitely Tess. She has the ambition and drive to succeed in her dream. She also has love in her heart, spending her hard-earned money on Christmas gifts for her family and friends. She has a spirit of generosity.

We see the difference between the classes as Tess befriends Master Cedric who lives in a large house with servants. His household staff are warm and welcoming to Tess and her siblings.

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