Tag Archive | Second Time Around

Second Time Around by Melody Carlson

Absolutely Charming

Second Time Around by Melody Carlson is an absolutely charming contemporary Christian novel that warmed my heart.

The book is about second chances – we see houses and interiors getting make-overs and a second chance to shine. Likewise, we witness lives with a second chance at happiness. God is not finished with us yet. While we are still breathing, God has plans for us. We can trust Him. Others may try to thwart His plans but if God has ordained it, it will come to pass.

God is the God of the impossible. “What’s impossible with us is possible with God.” Nothing is ever out of His control. All things are possible if we would just let God be God, and stop trying to take control.

Prayer is vital. “She silently prayed begging God to direct her path.” Prayer builds a relationship with God. We are to pray about everything and worry about nothing.

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