
The Christmas Book Club by Sarah Morgan

Deliciously Wonderful

The Christmas Book Club by Sarah Morgan is an absolutely charming, contemporary feel-good novel that I thoroughly enjoyed. Although there is the word ‘Christmas’ in the title, this is a book that can be enjoyed all year round. The action is set in early December but the focus of the book is on friends and family.

We drop in on three lifelong friends who are taking a vacation in a quaint inn in Vermont for a week discussing books. We hear of the background of the three – the workaholic, the broken-hearted and the soon-to-be empty nester. All three are facing challenges but are united by their love and support.

We also meet the innkeeper who is struggling with sudden loss and is a young widow with a five year old daughter. “Grief never leaves you.” Grief paralyses, there is no end as she tries to fulfill her husband’s dreams for the inn. “She was the caretaker of his dreams.” But his dreams and his way are not the only way. The young widow needs to find her way.

Our upbringings shape us. A character has never known her father. This has made her ultra independent and afraid to show her emotions. No one has penetrated her hard outer shell until… an encounter with a delightful five year old.

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The Magic Faraway Tree: A Christmas Adventure by Jacqueline Wilson

Re-visiting My Childhood

The Magic Faraway Tree: A Christmas Adventure by Jacqueline Wilson is a most charming novel that will appeal to everyone aged eight years and over.

Once more Jacqueline Wilson has transported the adult reader back to their childhood, whilst simultaneously introducing the next generation to the magic that is the Faraway Tree. There is the timeless appeal of Moonface, Silky, the Angry Pixie etc.

The reader joins the characters for a festive fayre as we delight in a winter wonderland, walking on fresh snowfall, just perfect for a new adventure. This is the second book in the series.

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A Christmas Tail by Cressida McLaughlin

Absolutely Delightful

A Christmas Tail by Cressida McLaughlin is an absolutely delightful contemporary novel that will make you smile. The title is misleading – although Christmas is celebrated at the end of the book, the novel covers the whole year.

We follow the lead character, Cat, who is an enthusiastic, novice dog-walker as the book opens. Life is chaotic and never dull with Cat around. The dogs all have their unique personalities and endear themselves to the reader.

Cat is a very charming leading lady. She has a huge heart and is a ‘fixer’ but sometimes this lands her in hot water.

There is the pantomime villain in the story who turns out to be misguided and not so bad after all.

Within the tale there is conflict between those who love dogs and a few who don’t – but are determined to spoil life for others.

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The Christmas Secret by Donna VanLiere

Very Charming

The Christmas Secret by Donna VanLiere is a very charming Christmas novel that will warm your heart and make you smile. It is the fifth book in the Christmas Hope series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Christmas is a time for magic, miracles and secrets. It is also the time for hope as Jesus is the hope of the whole world.

Christmas is also a time for family. Within the novel there are many different types of family. Family love us and want the best for us. Sometimes family is blood-related. Sometimes it is those who love us.

There is a sense of community within the novel as people look out for each other.

Everyone deserves a second chance.

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