Archive | December 2022

Poems For Loved Ones by Kenzo Amariyo

Powerfully Moving

Poems For Loved Ones by Kenzo Amariyo is a powerful collection of heartfelt poems for those who are grieving.

In the introduction we learn about the power of forgiveness. “Forgiveness is only a choice away.” We must forgive or else risk imprisoning ourselves in bitterness. Unforgiveness will hurt us most of all.

As we love, we know that one day we will hurt. The only way to prevent hurt is to lock up our heart and never love – but what sort of a life would that be?

As we live, choose to live a life of love and make memories that will warm us when loss comes.

Grief has a cycle of “denial; anger; bargaining; depression; acceptance.” We do not move on from one to the next in a fluid moment but will revisit the stages before we finally come to acceptance of what we cannot change. Each grief journey is unique.

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The Secret Keeper by Amanda James

Righting Wrongs And Healing Wounds

The Secret Keeper by Amanda James is a wonderful contemporary romantic mystery which I loved.

Set mainly in Tintagel, the scenery comes alive with Amanda James vivid descriptions. The reader ‘walks’ through the action, fully involved rather than a passive participant.

Cornwall is a place ‘of mystery and magic.” The reader ‘experiences’ this air of mystery as they become immersed in the novel.

Skipton is another setting. As I am familiar with ‘the gateway to the dales,’ it was wonderful to ‘see’ the town.

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Boys Need Santa Claus Because … by Tonya L Matthews

The True Meaning Of Christmas

Boys Need Santa Claus Because… by Tonya L Matthews is a lovely little book for the under tens showing them the true meaning of Christmas. It is aimed primarily at boys but girls would enjoy it too.

We see a young boy who knows what he wants for Christmas. As he gets older, he realises there are lots of things that boys need – and none of them need to be wrapped under the tree. Such as friendship, healthy food, exercise etc. He learns the lesson that we really need other people and Jesus.

The book is written in rhyme, giving a bounce-along feel. This makes it easy for our children to join in when they have heard the tale a few times.

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A Girl’s Christmas Gone Perfectly Wrong by Tonya L Matthews

The Real Reason For The Season

A Girl’s Christmas Gone Perfectly Wrong by Tonya L Matthews is a perfectly beautiful book that tells us the real reason for the season. It is for children under ten years old. In fact, whatever your age, it will draw your focus to Jesus.

Portia is a young girl who believes Christmas revolves around her as she tells Santa all the presents she wants for Christmas. She is horrified when her perfect Christmas plans are interrupted by the weather and life.

There are lessons to be learnt – people are far more important than presents. And Christmas is Jesus’ birthday. Jesus is God’s gift to us. We just need to receive Him.

The book is written in rhyme, enabling our children to join in when they have heard the tale a few times. There is a wonderful bouncy rhythm to the book.

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