Father’s Choice by Rhonda Hanson


Father’s Choice by Rhonda Hanson is a powerful contemporary Christian novel that I thoroughly enjoyed. It is the first book in the Father series which promises to be fabulous.

This is a faith-filled novel showing ‘real’ characters facing ‘real’ dilemmas and situations. We see that knowing God does not promise us a trouble-free life but we know that in all of our situations, God will walk beside us.

Being a Christian does not mean that we have got it all together. Rhonda Hanson has created realistic characters who are easy to empathise with. They mess up but do their best in any given situation. I loved the inclusion of a cat called Hook. He was totally believable and delightful in the interactions between him and the lead character.

Christians may even run from God but in our heart of hearts, we know that the only safe place to be is resting in the Father’s arms. “His arms longed to take her onto His lap and comfort her, but she resisted Him at every turn. He waited patiently, thinking of how He missed her.” When we stray, God longs for us to return to Him.

Prayer is important. Prayer is a conversation with God. Within the novel a character talks out loud to God and we ‘hear’ His answers.

The answers to all life’s problems are found within the Bible. “Read My Word… Find My peace, and stay in it.” Despite our outward circumstances, we can experience God’s peace when we know Him. I love that a character has lots of Bibles but that her favourite is her Mum’s battered old Bible. A battered Bible is a well-used and loved one.

Our salvation has nothing to do with our strivings. “It’s a good thing my salvation isn’t based on my performance.” Our salvation is based on what Jesus has done. We cannot earn it. We cannot buy it. Salvation is a free gift.

Characters have hearts that put others first. They live out life as the hands, feet and heart of Jesus. I love the interactions in a homeless hostel.

There is the theme of forgiveness. We are forgiven and therefore must forgive others, or risk imprisoning ourselves in bitterness.

We see an unscrupulous character taking advantage of others and preying on the vulnerable. We have to trust that God is in control and all things will work out.

Our upbringings shape the adult we become. We all need to have parents who pray for us. “Forty, fifty, sixty… You never outgrew the need for a Godly mother.” We need our earthly parents and our Heavenly Father.

Father’s Choice was a powerful read about characters who were realistically flawed and therefore, easy to identify with. I am looking forward to the subsequent books in the series.

I received a free copy from the author. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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