Across The Years
The Paris Dancer by Nicola Rayner is a fabulous dual timeline novel that I really enjoyed.
The action is set in Paris during World War II and in New York City in 2012. We hear the war years through the voice of a young girl and in the first person. In 2012 the action is seen through a great niece clearing out her great aunt’s apartment. It is in the third person. The chapters alternate. We hear the great aunt’s experiences through a notebook.
The novel is about loss. “The grief… feels as if it could drown her.” With loss comes guilt. Both lead characters are consumed. They need to learn to forgive themselves. “What if I don’t deserve to be forgiven?” Everyone deserves forgiveness. “We’re always toughest on ourselves… It’s easier to be nice to other people.” We need to extend grace to ourselves as well as others.
Some friendships bring out the best in each other. “My friendship… made me believe anything was possible.” Some people just spread joy wherever they go. “If you want to change the world… just make it a little more beautiful.”
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