Tag Archive | Adrienne Chinn

The Paris Sister by Adrienne Chinn

The Roaring Twenties

The Paris Sister by Adrienne Chinn is a marvelous historical novel following the lives of three sisters through the roaring twenties.

The world is in a time of immense change after World War I. The role of women is a complex one. World War I gave women many freedoms but as the men returned home, the lives of women were expected to go back in the box.

The women in the story are all strong characters, knowing their own minds. They believe in equality with men and set out to achieve this in their various ways. The women are forced to be strong due to their personal circumstances as some are coping without their husbands and one is married to a weak man.

This is a cosmopolitan novel as we travel from England to Canada, Paris, Italy and Egypt, following the various characters. Paris after the War is full of gaiety and life. Italy is beautiful with sun, sea and sand. Egypt is wild, dusty and full of adventure as the tomb of Tutankhamun is about to be opened up in 1922. Canada has a wilderness waiting to be tamed.

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The English Wife by Adrienne Chinn

One Segment At A Time

The English Wife by Adrienne Chinn is a delightful dual timeline novel with action set in 1940 and 2001, both moving forwards. It is a wonderful warm read that I adored.

The novel is set in Norwich during the war, and in 2001 in Newfoundland after a plane is diverted due to 9/11.

Families are a complicated affair. Relationships blossom and later die as hearts are consumed with hate and unforgiveness. As bitterness sets in, lives are tainted.

We have to make sure that we have the correct priorities. “Be careful you don’t miss the important things while you’re being so busy.” No one ever gets to the end of their life wishing they had spent more time in the office. The power and greed of corporations contrast with lives of love. One character is forever chasing fame and fortune. Neither will ever bring happiness. True wealth and treasure is to be found in people.

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