Tag Archive | Roseanna M White

The Number Of Love by Roseanna M White

Ahead Of Her Times

The Number Of Love by Roseanna M White is a marvellous, thrilling historical Christian novel set in London in 1917. It is the first book in The Codebreakers series and what a fabulous series this promises to be.

The world is at war. The novel concerns Room 40 where the codebreakers work. The novel is grounded in fact. The reader enters the world of espionage and agents. It takes skill and cunning. Codes are sought by both sides as they may hasten the end of the war. There are no victors in war. On both sides mothers lose sons and all nations mourn loved ones.

Grief consumes and may drag us down and cause us to lose sight of God – where was He? Why did He not stop our loved ones from dying? “He’s [God] still there, unchanged, even when we can’t feel Him. When grief’s too loud to let us hear His voice.” Grief may pause us in time but we need to learn to live again. “It [death] doesn’t heal… We learn to go on with the pieces missing.”

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An Hour Unspent by Roseanna M White

Deeds Not Words

An Hour Unspent by Roseanna M White is a marvellous Christian historical wartime adventure. it is the third book in the Shadows Over England series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Set in 1915 there is the theme of trust and the threat of German spies everywhere. Even those with foreign surnames were suspected. No one was immune. The royal family changed their name from Saxe-Coburg to Windsor as it sounded more patriotic. “Help me to trust.” God can always be trusted even when man cannot.

Sometimes circumstances suggest that God is absent, or even worse, He doesn’t care. “He just sits there in His heaven… not caring a whit.” This is anger and hurt talking because we know that being a Christian does not make us immune to bad things but “He [God] didn’t remove the bad – He just lent him strength to face it.”

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A Song Unheard by Roseanna M White

In Tune

A Song Unheard by Roseanna M White is a most delightful Christian historical adventure romance. It is the second book in the Shadows Over England series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Set in 1914 following the outbreak of war, the world is in turmoil. Everyone suffers during war but “The Lord is bigger than war.” However at the time, we do not always believe this to be the case. How could a loving God permit such horrors? We have to trust that God is good even when we cannot see Him. “Did she hear God’s voice amid the noise of life?” Sometimes life drowns out God but that doesn’t mean that He is not there.

War throws up issues of trust. In a world of espionage and double agents, soldiers and civilians, we have to make up our mind whom to trust. Not all villains wear German uniforms. Not all civilians can be trusted.

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A Name Unknown by Roseanna M White

Prayers, Promises And Secrets

A Name Unknown by Roseanna M White is a marvellous Christian historical romance which I loved. It is the first book in the Shadows Over England series and I really cannot wait for the rest.

Set in 1914 with England on the brink of war, the reader glimpses some of the fear and suspicion people have regarding the future.

Names featured highly. Those with German sounding names suffered from persecution and their loyalty to England questioned. Even the crown didn’t escape. Prejudice was rife.

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