
The Stories Of The Bible by Durand Loy

Introducing Jesus

The Stories Of The Bible: An Inspiring Christian Storybook For Kids by Durand Loy is a beautiful book or children aged four years and older. It is perfect to read to small children or for early readers to access themselves.

This book introduces children to key Bible stories from both the Old and New Testament. Each Bible story is spread over a double page with the illustration on one page and the title, Bible reference and paraphrased story on the other. The story is written in a way that children can understand. Stories include Adam & Eve, Moses, Joseph, Daniel, Jesus and key events in His life, and finally Ephesians where we are told to put on the armour of God. As children grow older, we can read the actual Bible passageway to them.

Each Bible story is beautifully illustrated by Ayan Mansoori. The pages are colourful and appeal to young children. The pictures can be used as discussion points with our children.

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And … So We Walked by Rick & Jane McKinney

So Very Powerful

And… So We Walked by Rick and Jane McKinney is such a powerful book that reveals the faithfulness of God and also faith in action.

In 2005 Rick McKinney ‘heard’ God tell him to walk across America. “Walk it all in My Name.” An obedient servant, married for over thirty years at that time, together with his wife Jane, on 1st January 2006 began their walk from California to Washington – a distance of 2,800 miles. Their walk was completed on July 4th 2006. It was a total walk of faith. It was a walk that would change the couple. It was a walk that impacted many along the way. And … So We Walked is a book that should impact our lives and change the way we live. Every day is a new opportunity to tell a lost world about Jesus. We do not need to walk across America. Maybe we just need to walk across our roads and tell someone about Jesus. Or across our neighbourhoods. Or maybe just across the room. You never know when God will set up a divine appointment. “Divine appointments with people we didn’t know but that God knew needed to hear about Him.”

Rick and Jane McKinney knew they could rely on God. “He would never leave us, always empower us, and confirm His presence and guidance in our lives.” There were times when they sensed “an angel is walking with us.” God never left the couple to walk alone. And God never leaves us to walk alone.

God calls us to see the world through His eyes. “We were beginning to see people through the eyes of Jesus.” When we look with Jesus’ eyes, we see the heart of God. The world will look different. We will see the injustice and the prejudice. We will see the marginalized and the forgotten. – and our hearts will break. “God had broken our hearts for our nation.” The McKinney’s realized that America needs God. Our world needs God.

We are called to tell the world about Jesus. I found the following quote so powerful: “We ‘talk’ loudest by how we ‘walk’ “ Wow!

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The Bad Weather Friend by Dean Koontz

Choose Wisely

The Bad Weather Friend by Dean Koontz is an exciting contemporary suspense that I read in just two sittings – pausing only to sleep! This is the author’s latest offering but was the first novel that I had read by him – and what a treat it turned out to be.

The lead character’s story reminded me of the story of Job in the Bible. He is a very credible lead character and incredibly nice, not a mean bone in his body. He is also loyal to his friends.

We see how our upbringing molds us. The lead character, Benny, has been shaped by adversity. His early years saw him meet many questionable adults but he retains his integrity and ‘niceness’ (for want of a better word).

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Forever Lovely by Linore Rose Burkard


Forever Lovely by Linore Rose Burkard is a delightful dual timeline novel that totally charmed me. It is the second book in the Forever In Time series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Modern day New York and Regency England are the settings in the novel. Time travelling characters seamlessly slot into life in New York as there is a Jane Austen convention in town. The reader, along with the characters, wander the streets, marveling at the sights.

Linore Rose Burkard has comprehensively researched early nineteenth century language as her characters could easily have been lifted from a Jane Austen novel with their speech. There is much gentility which is charming.

As a character views the modern world through the lens of Regency England, she finds much wonder in the world.

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