Archive | October 2024

When Memory Whispers by Johnnie Alexander

A Steadfast God

When Memory Whispers by Johnnie Alexander is a simply wonderful Christian dual timeline novel. It is the second book in the Echoes Of War series and also part of the Mosaic Collection.

The novel is set during 1944 in London and in 1997 America, as a character looks back over her exploits during World War II. She has been silent for years, now is the time to release the secrets.

We witness the greatest sacrificial love in action. It is a love that goes so deep that for safety’s sake, the most treasured one must be released. Love over-rode a heart that wanted to hang on. Love let go.

We see that in times of war, characters either choose to cling to God or to run from God, as a character decares: “Where are you God? Don’t You care what’s happening to us?” In the devastation of war “she longed to believe God was listening.” In times of uncertainty “what does your strength rely on when the storm is raging?” We need firm foundations of faith or we will be lost. “Every day I choose to build my faith on solid rock.” God is that solid rock, that firm foundation.

In contrast with an unsure faith, we see a firm faith which reminds us of the words of Jesus’ disciple “where shall I go? Only You have the words of eternal life.” A character declares “I can’t blame God… Faith needs to be our light in these dark times.” In uncertain times we can rely on a certain God to give us “a contentment that had to come from God.” A character has firm foundations. “After all that he’d lost, he hadn’t forsaken God.”

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Safiyyah’s War by Hiba Noor Khan

Powerful & Inspiring

Safiyyah’s War by Hiba Noor Khan is a powerful, historical children’s novel for ages ten years and older. Whatever your age this book will inspire you as you marvel at the bravery of good hearts, and especially at the courage of the very young.

Safiyyah’s War has its’ roots in fact. It is set in Paris during the Nazi occupation of World War II. The Grand Mosque takes centre stage as a setting. This book tells the little-known story of how the Muslims of the mosque helped to rescue and evacuate many Jewish people during the war. It is an inspiring tale of bravery and resistance. Much courage was needed. “For whoever saves a single life, it is as if they have saved all of humanity.”

The central character is Safiyyah who is very young and very brave. She has a desire to help the persecuted. She wanted to show her resistance. “Everyone has a unique part to play.” In some ways, the very young were the invisible helpers of the resistance. Their youth enabled them to blend in more. Everyone did what they could. Safiyyah always “chose courage and wisdom.”

As her best friend leaves Paris, we see hearts torn apart. “This isn’t goodbye… It’s see you later.” Anything more would feel too final. They had to believe that they would see each other again.

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Tea With Elephants by Robin Jones Gunn

Just Add Honey

Tea With Elephants by Robin Jones Gunn is the most beautiful Christian contemporary novel that will sink into your heart and soothe your soul. It is the first book in the Suitcase Sisters series and I cannot wait for more.

Tea With Elephants is a story of friendship and love as we follow two ladies who have been friends for over twenty years as they spend a week in Kenya. It is a journey of discovery – literally as there are majestic animals to see in their natural habitat. And also, figuratively as they learn about each other’s lives, their fears and their worries. There is a love between the women. “There is no gift like a friend who knows you by heart.” And there is their love for God and His for them.

We cannot always see the future but we know who holds the future in His hands. “I wanted to be at peace about the unknown.” We trusted God with our past and our present, we can trust Hin with our future. “I didn’t want to get stuck in what was behind. I wanted to look to what was ahead.”

As we wander through life, we pick up baggage. “You will be able to move forward when you’re no longer carrying all this old stuff… It’s weighed you down for too long.” We will never move forward by looking in the rear mirror. We do not need to see where we have been but we do need to look at where we are going.

Prayer is important. Prayer is as vital as breathing. “Prayers are never just prayer… [we are] creating a collection of love letters to Jesus.” We also learn that “our most valuable weapon … is prayer.” Prayers can, and do, move mountains.

When we have troubles and worries, we need to press into Jesus. “I don’t know how people go through difficulties without crying out to the Lord.” We can receive a peace that passes all understanding, a peace despite our circumstances. “Peace was coming after me.” I love that idea of peace pursuing us.

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The Telegram by Debbie Rix

Beautiful & Heart-wrenching

The Telegram by Debbie Rix is a beautiful historical story set over three main time periods – World War I, World War II and 1959. It is a novel that will haunt the reader long after the last page is read.

The novel is about the life of Charles Carmichael, his family, friends and those that he interacts with. All the action is seen through the alternating voices of the lead character, his wife and daughter. We see how one man interacts with those he meets and how these interactions influence events.

Sometimes in life there is a defining moment on which everything else that happens, hangs on. Subsequent actions ride on a moment in time. Charles Carmichael has experienced such an event. The reader is aware that something momentous has happened but we do not know what – although I had my suspicions which proved to be correct. When we do find out what has happened, suddenly the life of Charles Carmichael makes sense. We understand why he acted the way that he did, and why he chose to lead his life as he did.

Charles Carmichael is a complex character but one that I instinctively liked. He is a gentle soul who wants to do no harm. He is a man who loves deeply but cannot always show it. I think his true nature really shines through in the scene on Christmas Eve 1943 with his daughter. He is tender hearted, fiercely protective and moved to act.

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