Echoes Among The Stones by Jaime Jo Wright

Not Over

Echoes Among The Stones by Jaime Jo Wright is a marvellous dual timeline Christian suspense that will completely consume your heart, soul and emotions.

One character straddles the two timelines. She is a teen in 1946 and a grandmother in present day. The past intrudes on the present as old crimes need solving and laid to rest.

The novel is a study in raw grief as lives are suspended in a moment in time. No matter where you go, you cannot outrun grief. “Time healed no pain.” Two leading characters are battling grief. For one, it suddenly interrupted life, for the other she knew it was coming. For both, they cling to their loved one and are shaken to the core.

The reader sees the effects of grief. Some characters are angry at God. “How does God allow something this – this heinous?” God does not ‘allow’ pain, man has free will. God walks alongside us in our pain. He is there in the middle, He does not leave us alone.

There are those who point others to God. If we push Him away, we push away hope and we miss out on His blessings. “Your outcome changes significantly if you do believe in God’s goodness.” No matter what happens in life, God is still good. We must focus on His goodness and trust that He will see us through.

I tried to solve the cold case and present day crimes. I failed… again. Jaime Jo Wright has constructed a cleverly thought out plotline that kept me guessing. I loved her characters, especially Mumsie, with her love for her sister, her tough exterior and her heart of gold.

Jaime Jo Wright’s stories are always wonderful. I love them all.

I would like to share a powerful quote to finish:

“The raw grief reflected in her eyes… Grief made its own indelible mark on a person’s soul… There was never a good time for Death to visit. There was never a time that Grief would leave.”

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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