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The Kill List by Nadine Matheson

Well Thought Out & Executed

The Kill List by Nadine Matheson is an absolutely gripping crime suspense and one that I just could not put down. It is part of the Inspector Anjelica Henley series but can be read as a stand-alone. I enjoyed meeting up with familiar faces.

Once more Nadine Matheson has constructed a marvellous plotline. The whole novel is extremely well thought out and executed. The story is complex, and Nadine Matheson has an eye for detail as she draws the reader into a world of crime.

All of the characters were well drawn. The police officers are relentless in their pursuit of justice – whether it’s a bent copper, a serial killer or a miscarriage of justice – no stone is left unturned.

Cold case crimes from 1995 and 1996 are resurrected in present day as a kill list appears. Is it a copycat killer? Or has the killer remained dormant for nearly thirty years? The police and the reader must seek out the truth as the killer walks amongst them.

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The Sicilian Inheritance by Jo Piazza

Intertwining Lives

The Sicilian Inheritance by Jo Piazza is an enthralling dual timeline novel that I just could not put down.

The action is set in present day and from 1908-1925. We begin in America and travel to Sicily in present day and backwards through the years as a character searches for the truth as to what happened to her Great Grandmother. Stories have traveled down the years. But what is the truth? We all need to know where we come from.

This is a book about the roles of women. In both time periods, men like to think they are in charge as they bully those around them… but the women have a tough inner core, and prove to be resourceful.

As we, and a character in present day, uncover the Great Grandmother’s story, we find a woman ahead of her times. She is very intelligent and has been held back by the conventions of the time. Women, with knowledge about medicinal herbs, were often seen as witches and shunned. They were, in fact, healers and often proved to be life-savers to those who came to them for help.

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She’s Not Sorry by Mary Kubica

Wow – Gripping

She’s Not Sorry by Mary Kubica is an absolutely gripping contemporary psychological thriller that had my pulse and heartrate pounding throughout. It was suspense out of the top drawer.

There is the question as to how well do we know anyone? There are secrets within that have been well hidden – unburdening oneself will have far reaching consequences.

We see the loneliness of single parenting. Everyone needs a friend with whom they can share experiences. It makes life less lonely.

There is a realistically portrayed mother-daughter bond. Life is not always rosy with a teen but love is strong.

The action is written in the first person enabling the reader to share the highs and lows of life with the lead character. We ‘experience’ what she experiences which gives us a roller coaster ride of emotions.

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The Intruders by Louise Jensen

Wow! Just Wow!

The Intruders by Louise Jensen is a simply marvellous psychological suspense that I just could not put down. This is a book that will make your heart race and the hairs on the back of your neck rise. It is definitely more than a little creepy.

Louise Jensen has constructed an intricate plotline that grabbed me from the start – we know that a family was murdered thirty years ago as the book opens but we do not know why or what was being sought.

The action weaves this way and that as we alternate between present day and thirty years in the past. We hear different voices in both the third and first person. Just as I thought I was piecing it all together – wham! The action veered off piste again! I clung on for dear life – after several twists and turns we sped towards the conclusion and all I can say is … Wow! Just wow! How Louise Jensen comes up with these fabulous stories time and time again is amazing.

I loved the literary device that the author used where the words at the end of one chapter were uttered at the beginning of the next but in a different context. This linked the past and present seamlessly.

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