Tag Archive | Christmas At The Cat Cafe

Christmas At The Cat Cafe by Jessica Redland

Purrfectly Wonderful

Christmas At The Cat Café by Jessica Redland is the most wonderful contemporary festive offering that I just could not get enough of. I think Jessica Redland wrote her book just for me! I am a crazy cat lady who also has fibromyalgia. I like nothing better than to be surrounded by cats whilst wearing cat themed clothing! I talk to every cat I meet. I adored all of our cats and miss those who are now running free over Rainbow Bridge.

Christmas At The Cat Café spoke to my heart and soul. I ‘lived’ the role of the lead character. My heart broke at one stage and tissues were definitely needed!

Another thing that helped me step into the role was the cats’ names. I too, had a Smudge and a Marmalade. Sadly, now both are running free over Rainbow Bridge.

I identified with the lead character and the way she viewed fibromyalgia. She echoes everything that I feel and do about the very misunderstood fibromyalgia. I see myself with brain fog, aching limbs, restless limbs and more. Hopefully after Jessica Redland’s marvellous book, more people will have an understanding of fibro.

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