Archive | August 2022

A Wartime Welcome At Rookery House by Rosie Hendry

Where Strangers Become Friends

A Wartime Welcome At Rookery House by Rosie Hendry is the first book in a new historical series which promises to be fabulous.

The novel is set in 1940 and 1941 at the height of the Blitz as we travel from London to Great Plumstead in Norfolk.

Rosie Hendry has perfectly captured the fear and the fragility of life. As the bombs fell, life could be stuffed out in an instance. Even the countryside did not escape the rogue bomber.

Great Plumstead is a small community united by evacuees and a hospital for the wounded soldiers. We witness the residents pulling together as they open homes and lives to strangers who become family.

As the evacuees – mothers and children – arrive, some literally have nothing as their homes were bombed. Generosity abounds.

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The Bletchley Girls by Anna Stuart

So Brave, So Skillful

The Bletchley Girls by Anna Stuart is a marvellous historical novel that I just could not put down.

Whilst World War II was undoubtedly absolutely awful, it did provide opportunities for woman. Previously expected to marry and reproduce, now women could have positions of responsibility and really make a difference to the war effort, and even the outcome of the war.

Bletchley Park was a place of brilliant minds and unique skill sets. The reader follows three young women with varying talents, all of whom are heading to Bletchley Park. As they become firm friends their lives go in different directions as the BP girls are sent where they are most needed.

The reader sees the war at home, in Malta and in Egypt. All are fighting the same war. There are some truly terrifying moments.

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Saving Geraldine Corcoran by Hazel Ward

So Powerful

Saving Geraldine Corcoran by Hazel Ward is the third book in the Netta Wild series but can be read as a stand-alone. It was such a powerful read that totally consumed me. I did not so much read the book – I ‘lived’ it.

The story has a dual timeline – now and in the character’s past. It is a story developed over the lifetime of Geraldine Corcoran. It is a story crying out to be read.

Our pasts make us who we are today – but what happens if we remain frozen in a moment in time? An event, so traumatic, travels down the years. It has as much power to destroy lives as we give it.

We see the need for love and care to understand, and to heal and help. Sometimes our loved ones are just too close. We need the help of someone who has walked the same path earlier who can show tough love and empathy.

The reader witnesses the supernatural powers of a dog to sense when her owner is hurting. Minnie gives unconditional love as she senses what her owner needs to heal. Minnie has a charm that calls to the reader.

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Harold The British Bulldog by Monica Ann Fourie

Bringing Harold To Life

Harold The British Bulldog by Monica Ann Fourie is a wonderful book for children that surrounds choosing and owning a new pet – in this case, Harold the British Bulldog.

The book is suitable for our children aged over three years old – either to read to them or for more confident readers to read themselves.

The book covers all aspects of owning a new puppy, this is in the form of a story. We see the preparation needed in choosing our pet, the toys/food/bedding needed, the love and care required to take care of our pet. We see the need to seek veterinary care if they get ill.

Included at the back of the book are facts about British Bulldogs – I was surprised to see that they only live for 3-10 years.

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