Harold The British Bulldog by Monica Ann Fourie

Bringing Harold To Life

Harold The British Bulldog by Monica Ann Fourie is a wonderful book for children that surrounds choosing and owning a new pet – in this case, Harold the British Bulldog.

The book is suitable for our children aged over three years old – either to read to them or for more confident readers to read themselves.

The book covers all aspects of owning a new puppy, this is in the form of a story. We see the preparation needed in choosing our pet, the toys/food/bedding needed, the love and care required to take care of our pet. We see the need to seek veterinary care if they get ill.

Included at the back of the book are facts about British Bulldogs – I was surprised to see that they only live for 3-10 years.

The book is beautifully illustrated at the start of each chapter. Who can fail to fall in love with Harold?

I absolutely loved Harold The British Bulldog. It’s a perfect book for young children and dog-lovers. Monica Ann Fourie has really brought Harold to life in her marvellous book.

I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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