Tag Archive | Liz Fenwick

The Secret Shore by Liz Fenwick

Coming Home

The Secret Shore by Liz Fenwick is an absolutely marvellous historical tale. It will educate you as you read as the novel is grounded in fact.

Liz Fenwick has woven an epic tale with true life figures from World War II. Readers will instantly recognize the name Ian Flemming but many other characters were real too.

The tale is spun around Merry, a skilled cartographer who is remarkable at her craft. Special operatives relied on her eye for detail to make sorties into occupied France.

We see how difficult life was for women, having to choose between love or career. Women had opportunities in war to excel but were returned to the lesser positions in peacetime.

Life was difficult for homosexuals. We follow a couple of ladies who have to behave very differently outside their home. They have to deny who they really are.

The women in the novel are incredibly brave and very clever. They have huge hearts that help others in need.

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The River Between Us by Liz Fenwick

At The Going Down Of The Sun And In The Morning, We Will Remember Them

The River Between Us by Liz Fenwick is a powerful dual timeline novel about life, love and loss. The love found within its pages radiates outwards to encompass the reader.

The novel is set in present day and mainly in 1914 and up to 1921. As the dates suggest, this is a time of loss. A whole generation of young men were lost as cannon fodder to the battle fields of France.

Love is the main theme. There are many different sorts of love – that of a mother, of children towards their parents, of a nanny towards her charges and between couples. In 1914 some of this love was forbidden.

This links to the theme of identity. Some characters had to hide who they were for fear of judgment and/or incarceration.

1914 was a frustrating time for women. They were seeking the vote, marriage alliances were for wealth and power and not for love, love matches between the different social classes were a no-no.

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The Path To The Sea by Liz Fenwick

Love And Passion And Loyalty

The Path To The Sea by Liz Fenwick is an epic tale of love and loss, truth and lies, and loyalty. The reader is in for  a real treat as we are whisked away to the brooding landscape that is the Cornish coast.

The novel is set in 1962 and 2018. The action is seen from the point of view of three generations of women. They are united not only by their common history but by their family characteristics. The women are all strong characters but haunted by their pasts. Some things are best kept hidden, whilst others need to come to light. “Missing what she could barely remember.”

A deathbed confession awakens a curiosity in both the characters and the reader. We long to dig deeper as we go on a journey in tandem with the characters, almost dreading what we may discover.

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