Tag Archive | Linwood Barclay

The Lie Maker by Linwood Barclay

Exciting & Compelling

The Lie Maker by Linwood Barclay is a gripping contemporary crime suspense that I became totally engrossed in.

Linwood Barclay knows how to weave an excellent tale. His plotline is complex and well executed. I hung on for dear life as the tale twisted this way and that.

We see that people and life are not always black and white. More often than not, people come in varying shade of grey.

Family is important. Sometimes in order to protect the family, tough choices have to be made. Sacrifices are the order of the day. In contrast, a warped sense of loyalty sees a character determined to get revenge, and will stop at nothing in order to achieve it.

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Take Your Breath Away by Linwood Barclay


Take Your Breath Away by Linwood Barclay is an exciting contemporary thriller that had me guessing from the start.

It has an intricately constructed plotline that has the reader and the characters questioning what really did happen six years earlier? There is a search for the truth.

I tried to guess the perpetrator – I guessed twice – and was wrong on both accounts – again! I really am no good at solving crimes!

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Find You First by Linwood Barclay

Wow – Thrilling

Find You First by Linwood Barclay is an absolutely thrilling contemporary crime suspense that will have your heart racing and your mind spinning. It is a fabulous roller coaster of a read. Linwood Barclay is the master of the suspense novel.

The plotline is complex and well thought out. There are red herrings to pick up along the way as Linwood Barclay cleverly controls the directions your suspicions go until the very end. I failed once more to predict the outcome. My jaw literally dropped at the conclusion.

A quest for wealth and power lures people to do despicable acts. The reader witnesses the lows to which some will stoop. In contrast there are kind and pure hearts that look out for others and are always motivated to do the right thing.

Family is important. Family is more than mere blood ties. Family is pure hearts connecting with love.

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