Tag Archive | Lindsey Hutchinson

The Bad Penny by Lindsey Hutchinson

The Salt Of The Earth

The Bad Penny by Lindsey Hutchinson is a marvellous historical novel that continues on from The Ragged Orphan. I can recommend reading that first for maximum enjoyment. Although this can be read as a stand-alone.

The year is 1894 as the reader returns to the rag and bone yard in Birmingham. We see that hard work does pay off when your boss is fair and kind. There is a camaraderie between the boys in the yard as they look out for each other.

Romance is in the air as new love matches meet up.

And there is tragedy too as death comes calling.

In contrast to the steadfastness of many of the characters, we meet the bad penny – a character who is happy to use people for personal gain, caring little for family and friends. It is a life of lies and greed, never being satisfied. When money motivates, you can be sure of a downward spiral.

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The Ragged Orphan by Lindsey Hutchinson

History Comes Alive

The Ragged Orphan by Lindsey Hutchinson is a marvellous historical novel that I thoroughly enjoyed.

The action is set in and around Birmingham, my home town, and I was familiar with many locations, making it easy to picture the scenes.

Life was hard and many people lived hand-to-mouth. There was no welfare state. Tragic circumstances saw orphans seeking work for themselves rather than enter the dreaded workhouses.

We see the courage, grit, determination and hard work of many plucky young lads. Life has dealt some hard hands but they never give up.

Poverty is made harder for some by the demon drink. The head of the household not only spends his wages down the pub but also uses his family as punching bags.

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The Hat Girl’s Heartbreak by Lindsey Hutchinson

Working Together

The Hat Girl’s Heartbreak by Lindsey Hutchinson is a marvellous historical novel that I absolutely adored.

The action is set in 1906 in Walsall near the district of Caldmore (pronounced Karma) which I know very well from my three years spent at college there. It was easy for me to picture the action.

This is a tale with a moral showing how our actions and choices have consequences – both for good and for bad. We see that goodness is attractive, and that character will speak for itself.

A warm-hearted character offers help to those in need. Homes and livelihoods expand to give a warm welcome.

At a time when women were seen as second class citizens, it is good to see a group of women succeeding in business. Hard work and skillful hands are the order of the day.

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The Runaway Children by Lindsey Hutchinson

Of Kind Hearts And Angels

The Runaway Children by Lindsey Hutchinson is a late Victorian novel set in the heart of the Black Country (where all my ancestors come from).

Here, we meet people who are the salt of the earth. People do not have much but what they do have, they share with those who have nothing. Kind hearts and open hands abound as we see that the richest people are those who know how to love.

In contrast, a character with wealth is cruel and tight-fisted, intent on causing trouble and strife wherever she goes.

Family is important. Family are those who love us. We see a new family unit created by those who have nothing uniting together.

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