Tag Archive | Harper Collins Children’s

Kasper Prince Of Cats by Michael Morpurgo

The Good Luck Cat

Kasper Prince Of Cats by Michael Morpurgo is a most delightful children’s historical novel that I loved. It is suitable for ages eight years and over.

This book will educate you as you read. It is set at the Savoy in London in spring of 1912. The action continues into April where the characters board the ill-fated Titanic on its maiden voyage to New York – and we all know how that ended!

Kasper is the star of the show. He is a regal black cat, all the way from Russia. Although beautiful, he is also aloof until he decides where his loyalties lie!

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A Medal For Leroy by Michael Morpurgo

Secret Lives

A Medal For Leroy by Michael Morpurgo is a powerful, historical children’s novel that will educate you as you read. It is grounded in facts and based loosely on the life of Walter Tull. We hear about his actual life in the back of the book. He was a black soldier in World War I who never received the medal he deserved, for countless acts of bravery.

The story is a dual timeline – after World War II and during World War I in the form of a letter. We ‘hear’ about the lives of elderly aunties who were young women during World War I.

We see the racial prejudice that existed in the first part of the twentieth century. Some saw the heart that beats beneath, others could not get past the colour of one’s skin. It is heartbreaking to read.

There was also a stigma attached to unmarried mothers. This is distressing to witness.

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The Amazing Story Of Adolphus Tips by Michael Morpurgo

Second Time Around

The Amazing Story Of Adolphus Tips by Michael Morpurgo is a wonderful children’s historical novel that I thoroughly enjoyed. It is suitable for ages ten years and over.

The novel begins in present day and travels back to 1943 in the form of diary entries by a grandmother when she was a young girl.

The action is set at Slapton Sands in South Devon. A World War II historian will immediately recognize this as the location for training for D-Day. For me, I also recognized the location as I holidayed there as a teen so the area is familiar to me.

We hear about daily life on a farm and about the love Lily has for her cat, Tips. The forced evacuation of the area causes much disruption and heartache, even though it was necessary. Cats are rumored to have nine lives – they bounce back – or do they?

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An Eagle In The Snow by Michael Morpurgo

Wow – What An Ending!

An Eagle In The Snow by Michael Morpurgo is a powerful historical children’s novel that I loved. It is perfect for ages ten years and over. It is based on fact, on the actions of Private Henry Tandey in World War I. It is an inspiring and amazing tale. It will educate you as you read. At the end of the book is a brief history of Henry Tandey’s life.

War is futile. Politicians send young men on both sides to be slaughtered. No one wins. Everyone loses. “We had won, but it didn’t feel like winning, it never does.”

Young men were changed by war. Some lived. Some died. Survivors were wracked with guilt. No matter how many years had passed, you couldn’t escape the war. “The war stayed in his head… It’s the same for all of us who’ve fought in a war. You don’t forget. You can’t. You want to, but you can’t.”

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