The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston

Chasing The Moon

The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston is the most beautiful contemporary novel that I absolutely loved. I savored every word.

This is a novel about love – but it is not your conventional tale. Ashley Poston has created a unique story that is so very beautiful and will warm your heart.

Love happens in very different circumstances. We see a variety of love within the novel – between couples, family members and friendships. Love unites and binds down the years. There are some truly heartwarming moments as dialogue bounces between the characters.

When love leaves, it hurts. Sometimes love is torn apart through circumstances and sometimes through death. “Sometimes the people you love don’t leave you with goodbyes – they just leave.” There is raw grief on display within the novel.

Names are important. Nicknames form a close bond. As friendships develop, we delight in hearing the pet names for each other.

Characters are chasing dreams. “You will be happiest when you are on your own adventure.” We need to make sure our dreams are our own and not for someone else. We must not let ambition change us and always remember our roots.

I thoroughly loved The Seven Year Slip. I could not get enough of it. It was a beautiful read. I will leave you with Ashley Poston’s beautiful words from her book:

“Sometimes the people you love left you halfway through a story. Sometimes they left without goodbye. And, sometimes, they stayed around in little ways.”

I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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