A Sister’s Destiny by Rosie Clarke

Carpe Diem

A Sister’s Destiny by Rosie Clarke is a marvellous historical novel that I thoroughly enjoyed.

The action is set from just before World War I to just afterwards. It was a time of change for women as the war presented them with opportunities. These did not go far enough as women, when they married, had to give up their jobs.

The leading lady is very much a modern woman for the times. As the novel progresses, she develops a strength of character. She faces challenges but overcomes them with courage, dignity and kindness.

World War I offered opportunities to become a nurse. Hard work, dedication and a strong stomach were needed to survive, especially if one was sent to the Front.

We witness bravery in times of war as many sacrificed to save others where they could.

War leaves scars – sometimes physical, always mental.

There is the theme of forgiveness. To forgive is to set ourselves free. To withhold forgiveness, is to imprison ourselves in bitterness.

We see the treatment of unmarried mothers. Some give judgement and condemnation; others offer love and support.

In times of war, we must practice carpe diem – seize the day for tomorrow is not guaranteed.

I thoroughly enjoyed A Sister’s Destiny. It was another cracking read from Rosie Clarke.

I received a free copy via Rachel’s Random Resources. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


A Sister’s Destiny

As war looms in Europe, 18-year-old Jane Shaw, runs the household as an unpaid servant on a meagre budget.

When tragedy strikes and she loses her beloved younger brother in suspicious circumstances, Jane takes a position in service looking after Ned, a troubled young boy. Here she meets dashing David Heron, Neds Uncle and they form an immediate attachment until she is dismissed after being accused of stealing a piece of jewellery.

Returning home, Jane and her sister, Melia are soon orphaned and left at the mercy of their Aunt Alice. When War breaks out Jane decides to strike out on her own and do her bit for King and Country in the Nursing Corp. Here, despite the terrible conditions she finds her true vocation and her one true love. But Jane’s destiny has many more twists and turns to come.

Will Jane ever find her peace and get her happy-ever-after? and where does her destiny lie and with whom?

Purchase Link – https://mybook.to/sistersdestinysocial

Author Bio –

Rosie Clarke is a #1 bestselling saga writer whose most recent books include The Mulberry Lane series. She has written over 100 novels under different pseudonyms and is a RNA Award winner. She lives in Cambridgeshire.

Social Media Links –  

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