Trouble For The Boat Girl by Lizzie Lane

Social Injustice

Trouble For The Boat Girl by Lizzie Lane is a marvellous novel looking at the social history of women and the poor. It is set in 1925.

The twenties were a turbulent time. World War I was over but England was hardly a land fit for heroes. The tale follows the boat people whose existence was threatened by the railways. The unions were just emerging and were not popular with the bosses. Work was precarious and poverty was rife. We witness how hard it is to change the attitudes from within. It is laws that are needed in order to make a difference.

We follow two characters from the upper classes who try to bring order and change for the impoverished people. We wonder, do they both really have philanthropy at heart? Or is it just a way to rebel against their family?

Children of the boat people receive very little in the way of education as they are never in one place for that long. We see a female character who wishes to change that. Teaching was seen as a female vocation and there was a choice to be made – teach? Or marry? You could not do both.

The plight of women was still tied to men – fathers, husbands, brothers, bosses. We witness the power of the fist which was far worse against the poor. The upper class patriarchs used the threat of the asylum, where women could be locked up for years, no questions asked.

Trouble For The Boat Girl was a powerful read about social injustice and the need for change. It is incredible to see that this was the state of affairs just a hundred years ago. The modern reader is grateful to all those who worked for change. This was an epic read.

I received a free copy via Rachel’s Random Resources for a blog tour. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


Trouble for the Boat Girl

A gritty story of two girls, from opposite backgrounds and their search for freedom and happiness.

1925 – The Midland Canals
Born on the canals, feisty Beth Dawson, knows danger lurks in the shadows.
When she falls victim to a vicious attack and knowing she might be pregnant, she quickly marries a fellow boatman.
Her mundane existence is interrupted by the arrival of Anthony Wesley whose mission is to organise the impoverished boatmen for strike action.
Anthony makes her feel valued and she wants to help the cause in any way she can.
Along the way she makes friends with rebellious Abigail Gatehouse, daughter of the owner of the company. She too is in love with Anthony and sensing the attraction between them, Abigail is overcome with jealousy.
Both young women are soon caught up in events that spiral out of control.
Only time will tell where the future lies for either of them.
In the meantime, it’s all about survival…

Previously published as Where the Wild Thyme Blows by Jeannie Johnson**

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Author Bio –

Lizzie Lane is the author of over 50 books, a number of which have been bestsellers.  She was born and bred in Bristol where many of her family worked in the cigarette and cigar factories.  This has inspired her saga series for Boldwood The Tobacco Girls.

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