Archive | September 2022

Unchained: Clint’s Gift Of Desperation by Kimberly Morrison

The God Of Restoration

Unchained: Clint’s Gift Of Desperation by Kimberly Morrison is a powerful contemporary Christian story. It is part of the Created With Purpose series but can be read as a stand-alone. I however enjoyed catching up with familiar faces. Having read the series from the start, it is wonderful to chart the growth and development of characters.

In this book there is a central theme of forgiveness. Forgiveness is needed for us to give and to receive. Forgiving others frees us from a life of bitterness. Sometimes it is the face in the mirror that we need to forgive. We can often be hardest on ourselves. We need to give ourselves the grace and love we would extend to others.

Guilt often goes hand in hand with forgiveness. Sometimes we feel guilty about a past event. If we focus on our guilt, we block the path to forgiving ourselves.

There is the major theme of being imprisoned. Sometimes it is physical walls, other times the walls are mental ones. We see that God longs for us to live a life of freedom in our hearts and minds. “ ‘Happiness is a choice. It’s found in here.’ [He] placed both hands over his Heart. ‘And it has nothing to do with being in here.’ [prison]” We may not always be able to choose where we are in life but we can always be free to choose our responses to our situations.

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A Foot In Both Camps by Arrabella Williams

A Powerful Read

A Foot In Both Camps by Arrabella Williams is a heart-wrenching YA novel suitable for ages ten years and over.

The novel follows Susie, a young girl with Jamaican heritage but born in Britain. Her parents were part of the Windrush generation. We see her struggles as she has a foot in both camps – her father clings to his Jamaican roots whereas her mother tries to assimilate the family into the local community – first in Northampton and then in Birmingham.

Susie’s household is ruled by her father who is a cruel man, beating his children and his wife as he believes it is the Jamaican way. My heart went out to Susie. She is a little girl with a big personality who deserves to be loved.

I had much empathy for Susie and found her easy to identify with – I also grew up in Birmingham, learn to read with the Ladybird scheme of Peter and Jane, and watched Captain Scarlet and Thunderbirds. I was also in a class of 40 with wooden desks and inkwells. For me, A Foot In Both Camps was very much a walk down memory lane.

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The Adventures Of Rose by Mary Bessenich

Absolutely Charming

The Adventures Of Rose by Mary Bessenich is an absolutely charming story for anyone aged eight years and over. I absolutely loved it.

The Adventures Of Rose is such a beautiful, heart-warming tale that will make your heart swell with love and also your eye shed a tear. The book is about Rose, a hand-crafted doll, and her life of thirty years and counting.

The reader sees the love that goes into making Rose and the loss felt when she is sold.

Rose is a special doll with a red velvet heart who leaves a trail of love wherever she goes.

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The Fashion Fix by Lexi Rees & Eveyjoan

Fun & Responsible

The Fashion Fix by Lexi Rees and Eveyjoan is a YA girls interactive book showing how to be sustainable in our fashion choices.

The book is split into chapters looking at various topics including how much our clothes cost us and why cheap may be bad (sweatshops); the pros and cons of various materials; how to upcycle our clothes; how to accessorise and much more. The book is designed to make our young girls think about where our clothes come from and not to be wasteful in our choices. We all want to be responsible shoppers not exploiting either people or our planet.

Included in the book are activities that are not only fun but enable us to think about sustainability in fashion.

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