Tag Archive | Kimberly Morrison

Forgotten: The Memoirs Of Sister Margaret by Kimberly Morrison

A Guiding Light

Forgotten: Memoirs Of Sister Margaret by Kimberly Morrison is a powerful Christian dual timeline novel. It is the sixth book in the Created With Purpose series but can be read as a stand-alone.

The action is set in present day and looking backwards over a life in the form of a memoir. The chapters alternate between the time periods and are in the third person (present day) and the first person (memoir).

This is a powerful, and at times, a hard and heartbreaking read. I was very shocked at the events an eight year old endured, but life is not always nice, and awful, unspeakable things happen to the innocent. The response of those who are supposed to love and protect shocked me too. The innocent had no voice.

We see that life can make you bitter or better. We all have the choice as to how to respond to our circumstances. We follow a life that chooses to see good, do good and to follow God. This life faced a crossroads – be angry at God for allowing terrible events or choose forgiveness and press into the only One who could save her.

There is also the difficult topic of dementia. It is a cruel condition that robs us of our loved one’s bit by bit. Once again there is a choice as to how to respond – become angry and focus on what is lost, or remember with love.

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Unchained: Clint’s Gift Of Desperation by Kimberly Morrison

The God Of Restoration

Unchained: Clint’s Gift Of Desperation by Kimberly Morrison is a powerful contemporary Christian story. It is part of the Created With Purpose series but can be read as a stand-alone. I however enjoyed catching up with familiar faces. Having read the series from the start, it is wonderful to chart the growth and development of characters.

In this book there is a central theme of forgiveness. Forgiveness is needed for us to give and to receive. Forgiving others frees us from a life of bitterness. Sometimes it is the face in the mirror that we need to forgive. We can often be hardest on ourselves. We need to give ourselves the grace and love we would extend to others.

Guilt often goes hand in hand with forgiveness. Sometimes we feel guilty about a past event. If we focus on our guilt, we block the path to forgiving ourselves.

There is the major theme of being imprisoned. Sometimes it is physical walls, other times the walls are mental ones. We see that God longs for us to live a life of freedom in our hearts and minds. “ ‘Happiness is a choice. It’s found in here.’ [He] placed both hands over his Heart. ‘And it has nothing to do with being in here.’ [prison]” We may not always be able to choose where we are in life but we can always be free to choose our responses to our situations.

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Exhumed: Gene’s Promise Of Revenge by Kimberly Morrison

The Rescue

Exhumed: Gene’s Promise Of Revenge by Kimberly Morrison is a powerful Christian novel about redemption. It is the fourth book in the Created With Purpose series but can be read as a stand-alone as the background info needed is included in the story. I would recommend reading the books in order though.

Our upbringings shape us into the adults we become. We need to learn from our past but not live there.

Bitterness can consume us and drag us down. Bitterness infects every area of our lives but there is an antidote – love. When we let love live in our lives there is no room for bitterness.

Lives can always be redeemed by God. No one is ever too far from His reach. God will never turn His back on us. He longs to rescue each and everyone of us from our situations.

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Exposed: Levi Delivers A Brother’s Love by Kimberly Morrison

Sacrificial Love

Exposed: Levi Delivers A Brother’s Love by Kimberly Morrison is a powerful contemporary Christian novel that will fill you with the heart and love of God.

There is the central theme of family. We are all connected through God’s family. Family is important to help us get through life. Family is not just united through blood but united through love.

“We all have a past, which shapes the person we become.” We cannot change our pasts but we do need to learn from them. Linking to our pasts is the theme of redemption. God can take our old, sinful lives, turn them around and make something new.

As we go through life our words and actions may shape others. “You plant the seeds and leave the watering to God.” You may never see the effect of your words sewn into the life of another.

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