Welcome To Weaver Street by Chrissie Walsh

Community Spirit

Welcome To Weaver Street by Chrissie Walsh is a marvellous historical novel set during World War I and beyond in Liverpool.

The reader follows a newly married couple from Ireland as they land on the Liverpool docks in 1916. They are going to start a new life in England following the Easter Uprising in Ireland.

Residents of Weaver Street are a tight knit community and the couple receive a mixed welcome as personal history with the Irish colour’s some responses.

The leading lady has a warm personality, friendly nature and a kind heart which helps her to be accepted. She also has a core of resilience when life is hard. She is very much a modern woman of her time with an entrepreneurial spirit as she seeks to rise out of her roots of poverty.

Community life ensures that you are never alone. There is much support when it is needed as well as the gossip that spreads like wildfire. There is much generosity of spirit from sharing cups of tea to giving what is required to those who have little. The residents of Weaver Street function as one large family with varying personalities.

World War I opened up women’s lives as they took on traditional male roles as the men were away at the Front. Previously they had been at the beck and call of the men folk. “Your job is looking after me.” It is the women who show strength of character, unity and support, holding each other up as World War I gives opportunities and challenges.

The young men went off to war to be used as cannon fodder. Some did not return. Others returned but left their minds behind on the battlefields.

I really enjoyed my visit to Weaver Street and am very much looking forward to catching up with the residents in the future.

I received a free copy via Net Galley from the publishers for a blog tour with Rachel’s Random Resources. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


Welcome to Weaver Street

Kitty and Tom Conlon arrive in Liverpool in July 1916 to claim the house Tom’s great-uncle has bequeathed him in his will. The move to England couldn’t have come at a better time. Dublin is in turmoil following the Easter Uprising and Kitty’s brother is now in prison.

The house in Weaver Street is all they hoped for, and after a shaky start with her new neighbours, Kitty believes the world is her oyster. Until that is, Tom is conscripted into the navy.

With Tom away, it’s up to Kitty and the women of Weaver Street to get each other through the war.

Purchase Link – https://amzn.to/3LPI0UH

Author Bio –

Chrissie Walsh was born and raised in West Yorkshire and is a retired schoolteacher with a passion for history. She has written several successful sagas documenting feisty women in challenging times for Aria. Welcome to Weaver Street, the first title in her new WW1 saga series for Boldwood.

Social Media Links –  

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