All For You by Louise Jensen

Absolutely Gripping

All For You by Louise Jensen is an absolutely gripping compulsive contemporary psychological thriller. I could not put it down and greedily devoured it.

The story surrounds one family and some friends. It seems like everyone is hiding a guilty secret – but is it the same one?

Within the family one of the teenage boys is ill. Living with a ticking health condition puts a strain on all the relationships.

The other brother is consumed with guilt from various sources including his part in a teenage prank that had far reaching results. We witness that for every choice we make, we must accept the consequences.

Loss affects a whole family. “I’m sorry I’m alive.” Some things are just impossible to ever leave behind.

Teens on the cusp of manhood try to be independent but sometimes you just need your mum. “He wants to push her away but he so badly needs a hug.”

Accidents alter lives. As characters adapt, there are some difficult emotions to face.

Louise Jensen is the master of the psychological suspense. She sets the scene, reels the reader in and proceeds to twist this way and that. I always fall for the red herrings along the way!

All For You was a simply fabulous read. I cannot wait for more from Louise Jensen.

I received a free copy of the book from Net Galley. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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