Archive | March 2021

Evergreen Tree by Jae Blessing

Listen To His Voice

Evergreen Tree by Jae Blessing is the most delightful Christian historical novel. It is set in 1870 following a group on men on a cattle drive west. The theme reminded me of the Israelites wandering in the wilderness – as they (and the leader of the cattle drive) wander their leader has his heart tuned in to God.

God still speaks into hearts today. He has “the ears of her heart.” We need to have our lives aligned with His so that when He whispers, we will hear Him.

Our earthly fathers may let us down but God never will. He can be trusted.

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The Diary Of Isabella M Smugge by Ruth Leigh

Beneath The surface

The Diary Of Isabella M Smugge by Ruth Leigh is a delightful contemporary look at life through the eyes of Instagram blogger Isabella Smugge.

This is a charming book showing a carefully crafted life on the surface. But underneath things are not always so rosy. It is a warning to remember that perfect lives seen on social media are merely snapshots and we should not take them too seriously. This book is just as telling in what Isabella Smugge doesn’t say as in what she does.

The ‘perfect’ life is staged. It is about looking good from all angles. The perfect life may actually be the perfect lie. This instant generation too often make snap judgements based on what they see online. It is not always real life. The theme of appearances versus reality looms large.

As the book progresses the real Isabella Smugge emerges. We witness her edges soften and as her life expands we see a heart of gold.

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Two Wrongs by Mel McGrath

The Monster Within

Two Wrongs by Mel McGrath is a gripping psychological thriller that consumed me from the start.

It is a creepy read as there are several perpetrators and the reader cannot work out who can be trusted.

Secrets are being kept and hidden. Something sinister lies in the past. It is something that will sink lives if revealed.

The reader witnesses the heavy toll burdens place on characters. The pressure to succeed takes some down roads they’d rather not go.

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The Best Is Yet To Come by Katy Colins

New Life

The Best Is Yet To Come by Katy Colins is a wonderful, heartfelt contemporary novel that will swell your heart and leave you smiling.

The novel is set in a small cul-de-sac. There are people around but two of the residents feel invisible.

New mum, Izzy, is finding motherhood tough. “She wanted to scream she was drowning.” Every other new mum seems to be perfect with perfect babies who sleep at night. At a time when she should be happiest, Izzy feels on the edge and unable to share her feelings. Katy Colins has perfectly and sensitively captured postnatal depression. It was easy to empathise with Izzy.

Octogenarian Arthur was the quiet half of the marriage. He misses his wife who died two years previously. “There were some people you never stopped loving and missing.” He, too feels, invisible and is easy to empathise with.

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