Two Wrongs by Mel McGrath

The Monster Within

Two Wrongs by Mel McGrath is a gripping psychological thriller that consumed me from the start.

It is a creepy read as there are several perpetrators and the reader cannot work out who can be trusted.

Secrets are being kept and hidden. Something sinister lies in the past. It is something that will sink lives if revealed.

The reader witnesses the heavy toll burdens place on characters. The pressure to succeed takes some down roads they’d rather not go.

Bonds formed years ago remain. A love that unites friends is unbreakable.

Covered up crimes need to be revealed. Corruption must no longer succeed.

Two Wrongs was a cleverly constructed thriller. It did make for uncomfortable reading at times but was utterly gripping as I wanted to see if justice would be served.

I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.


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