Tag Archive | Winston And The Marmalade Cat

Winston And The Marmalade Cat by Megan Rix

Totally Charming

Winston And The Marmalade Cat by Megan Rix is a perfectly charming historical novel and just perfect for ages ten years and over. No matter what your age, if you are an animal lover, this book is for you.

The action is set in 1962 and is grounded in fact as we meet Sir Winston Churchill and hear of some of the animals he has rescued.

We follow a young boy who volunteers for the RSPCA and who rescues a small kitten whom he names, Little Houdini. The pair form a bond. As the kitten’s name suggests, he is a bit of an escape artist!

Chartwell, Sir Winston’s home is in Kent. The reader ‘visits’ the grounds due to some very descriptive passages from Megan Rix.

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