Tag Archive | T K Chapin

Waiting On Love by T.K. Chapin

Faithful God

Waiting On Love by T.K. Chapin is a contemporary Christian novel about the power of love.

God’s love is the purest and highest form of love. He is steadfast, walking besides us through our highs and lows. God can turn around our worst times for good (Genesis 49) as He sends others to minister to us in our time of need.

Life does not always turn out as we dream it will but God is always faithful. Even when we make poor choices, God never leaves us.

T.K. Chapin is not afraid to tackle relevant issues. Within the novel there are the themes of alcoholism, adultery and single parenting. Through it all God never leaves us alone. He is there beside us, longing for us to return to Him.

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The Start Of Us by T.K. Chapin

The Power of Love

The Start Of Us by T.K. Chapin is a powerful contemporary Christian novel about love. Love comes in many different forms but we have only one word for it, ‘love.’ The best way to love is to love like Jesus – whether it’s our parents, friends, work colleagues or spouse. We need to see people as Jesus sees them – imperfect human beings in need of love and grace.

Our past may have been hard but we cannot let it define us. If we measure everything by the yardstick of the past, we will miss out on the present.

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The Space Between Us by T.K. Chapin

Love, Love, Love

The Space Between Us by T.K. Chapin is a marvelously powerful contemporary Christian novel about love. This love is not a love that diminishes this is the love of God for His children and the love of His children for each other. It is a love based on 1 Corinthians 13. A love that puts others first. A love that takes care of the lost and the lonely.

I love the idea that “God is pursuing you.” No matter what we’ve done or where we’ve been, God wants a relationship with us.

The novel explores parental relationships. Earthly parents may fail us but God never will.

Trust is a major theme. We need to trust God with our lives. He only wants the best for us. “God’s not a genie… He has a plan. I just need to trust him.”

We must never judge others. We do not know what they have been through. “ ‘You here to preach?’ ‘No… I’m here to love.’ “

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Until Christmas by T.K. Chapin

God Loves You. Seek Him

 Until Christmas by T.K. Chapin is a delightful Christian festive offering and part of the Potter’s House series. A perfect read for any time of year.

The main theme of the novel is that of trust. “Everything seems a mess, but I am choosing to trust You.” Even when life is falling apart,we can trust that God has a plan for our lives. Whatever is happening, God is in control. “I feel like God is so distant and quiet.” Our feelings are an unreliable gauge God is working for our good, regardless of what we are feeling.

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