Tag Archive | Rick Nau

The Kingdom Of The Flowers by Rick Nau

Faith In Action

The Kingdom Of The Flowers by Rick Nau is a marvellous Christian tale and just perfect for ages ten and above. It is the fourth book in A Tale Of Hope series but can be read as a stand-alone.

No matter how old you are, you will be blessed by this re-working of the familiar Biblical tale of Joseph. We witness the faithfulness of an ever present God who will never leave us. We also see the strong faith of the main character who never wavers in his belief that God is good even when circumstances are not.

We are urged to pray about everything and to worry about nothing. Prayer is just talking to God. “He often speaks to Him [God] in the same way you’d speak to a friend.” God wants each and every one of us to know that we can boldly approach His throne. If something concerns us then it concerns him also. Nothing is ever too big or too small for God.

We need to be careful of the voices we listen to. “She was awful… She was absolutely unloveable.” These are lies from the enemy but when we are drowning in guilt, we may listen to him. Instead we should listen to the life affirming voice of God who tells us that we are loved and we are His. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus.

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Desert Gold by Rick Nau

All That Glitters

Desert Gold by Rick Nau is a marvellous Christian allegorical tale and just perfect for ages ten years and above. It is the third book in the Tales Of Hope series but can be read as a stand-alone. I have read all three books and would put them on a par with C.S. Lewis’ Narnia. They are all cracking adventure stories on the surface and also grounded in God with lessons for us all to learn.

Desert Gold focuses on the theme of treasure for where your treasure is there is your heart. True treasure will always be found in a ‘who’ and never in a ‘what’. True lasting treasure is to be found in God and in others. To put our desires into possessions will merely corrupt us and take our focus away from what really matters. When gold is all we see dancing before our eyes, the state of our heart is wrong.

The novel shows that true beauty is internal. Outward appearances are never as important as the condition of our hearts. “It was difficult to believe that people so beautiful could be so despicable.” The reader is reminded that God is more concerned with our inner beauty.

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The Ruby Float by Rick Nau

Beautiful… A Timeless Classic

The Ruby Float by Rick Nau is a most beautiful Christian allegory. As with Rick Nau’s other book, Theodora’s Children, this story is timeless and relevant yesterday, today and forever.

The Ruby Float is a story within a story. As the children sit at the feet of their great grandfather, the reader is reminded that Jesus told stories and people sat at His feet to listen. Within His stories were great truths, and so it is with The Ruby Float. Jesus asked that we come to Him as children. The Ruby Float demands to be read through the eyes of a child – wide eyed, full of wonder and open to the truths of the Alpha and the Omega.

The reader is drawn into the story from the start, with delicious descriptions of a picnic, reminiscent of the Famous Five picnics of Enid Blyton.

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Theodora’s Children by Rick Nau

Hope And Love And Peace And Light

Theodora’s Children by Rick Nau is a most beautiful Christian allegory. It’s style is reminiscent of C.S. Lewis’ Narnia books. For me, it very much had an air of The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe about it. I was captivated by its beauty and enthralled with its narrative.

The novel drew me in from the start. It is a timeless tale – set yesterday, today, tomorrow. This tale will never grow old. Like Jesus, its relevance is for us all, no matter how old or young you are.

The story reminded me of several Bible stories including the parting of the Red Sea, the wisdom of Solomon and the prodigal son’s return to name but a few. As I read, the light of Christ leapt from the novel and captured my heart.

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