Stunningly Beautiful
A Storm Of Infinite Beauty by Julianne MacLean is an absolutely delightful dual timeline novel that will educate you as you read.
The novel revolves around the little-known Alaskan earthquake in the 1960’s. It was a catastrophic event for a seaboard town and one I had not heard of. We see the beauty in nature and also the dangers of the natural world.
As the story opens, the reader is in the middle of the quake. It is both an exciting and utterly terrifying place to be. Julianne MacLean draws us in with her descriptions as we witness the all-round devastation. My pulse rose and I wanted to read on.
The action is set in two different time periods – 1964 and 2017 – it is told in the form of memories and also present-day events. A family links the two time periods.
Within both time periods there are parallel themes of love and loss, infidelity and faithfulness. We see how people were judged and shunned in the past for what we now see is acceptable today (thank goodness). Judgement from others causes much unhappiness. We should look at our own lives and keep our noses out of what does not concern us.
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